Help !! Leaking Barrel Tap

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May 15, 2013
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Hi, I'm brewing my first batch of beer since student days (ie many years ago) and all has been going well until I got up this morning to find a leak :eek: from the tap seal where it goes into the barrel. The brew is 3 days into its second fermentation and when I drew of a sample there's clearly a good head of pressure.

I've tried tightening the tap by turning it but the nut on the inside must be turning too as it doesn't tighten up. As I see it I have the following options;

1. Let of some pressure by temporarily slackening off the screw lid a bit and hope that stops the beer forcing its way out of the tap seal.
2 Take the screw lid off completely and get my hand into the brew to try and tighten the tap nut.
3. Empty the whole of the brew back into the fermenting bucket, tighten the nut and then poor it all back into the barrel.

Any advise most greatly receieved. :hat:
Welcome to the forum :thumb:

Oh dear what a dilemma. I would start with the easy option and let some pressure out. That might stop it. Do you have CO2 to pressurise when you want to serve? - if so you could let all the pressure out - you get flat beer but at least the leak might stop.

If that is not going to work, you could transfer it to another container while you tighten the nut but be careful how you transfer it or your will oxidise the beer and it will not taste as good nor last as long.

Another option is perhaps to get a black bin bag and soak it in no-rinse sanitising solution (e.g. videne) then shake off, put your arm inside it and then hold the nut on the inside while turning the tap - might just work well enough as a temporary measure.

Final option get some friends round and drink it all ASAP.
I have elbow length rubber gloves for just such occasions, sanitise and start operation save your beer.

Don't pour the beer whatever you do if you rack it back to fermentation bin then back to barrel, make sure you syphon it, don't fill it with oxygen man.
Welcome to the forum.

EskiBrew said:
Final option get some friends round and drink it all ASAP.
I favour this option. :cheers:

I know this is of no help to you, but this is why I bottle my beer. I hear too many stories about barrels leaking.
Thanks for the welcome and advice. :thumb:

I let off some pressure but sadly still got the leak. It's not too bad though and was surprised that after only 4 days in the barrel its quite drinkable (if somewhat lively), so best course of action I think is just to drink it.
I am actually having a similar problem came home last night to notice a leak from the tap in my pressure barrel. After trying to vent it is still slightly leaking but sealed. I think I may bottle it from the barrel this weekend but have one question:
Should my previous bulk priming be sufficient or will I have to re-prime every bottle at transfer? My batch is a batch of Cooper's cerveza.
I think you will need to reprime because CO2 and pressure will be lost. You don't need to prime each bottle individually because you can add sugar to the barrel. I'd boil it with some water (say 200mL) and then carefully mix it in without too much splashing. As to how much I am not sure.
Thinking off the top of my head I may try around 50% of my initial priming sugar volume. Hopefully this will limit the chance of bottle bombs. If the worst happens I guess I may have to drink 40 pints of flattish lager.