Hi Guys,
New to home brewing. I've just this minute finished starting off a Coopers European Lager kit and it's currently bubbling away in the garage. This seems like a good community to hang around in and ask questions when I need to :)
So First question. I'm generally a Lager drinker hence why I started off with one. But I'm open to ales and other types of beer. So I was going to start another brew once the lager is bottled. Any recommendations? Like I said I generally don't drink ale although I do like a Guiness now and again.
New to home brewing. I've just this minute finished starting off a Coopers European Lager kit and it's currently bubbling away in the garage. This seems like a good community to hang around in and ask questions when I need to :)
So First question. I'm generally a Lager drinker hence why I started off with one. But I'm open to ales and other types of beer. So I was going to start another brew once the lager is bottled. Any recommendations? Like I said I generally don't drink ale although I do like a Guiness now and again.