Hello from East Yorkshire

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Active Member
Aug 8, 2019
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Hello all! I am pretty new to brewing. I made a couple of kits a couple of years ago, but found it rather un-inspiring as I didn't feel like I had much control over it. Anyway, I've been thinking of giving it another go and prehaps trying extract/all grain brewing?

I probably wont be able to afford any kit until September/October time so if anyone could point me in the direction of any threads on here, or other guidence (for total novice's), that would be worth reading in the meantime I would be very greatful! I know very little about the whole process/equipment required so I'm hoping to do plenty of research before I can afford to get started!!
Could be a Hully Gully. The dark side of the Humber bridge.

Don't listen to this North Humberside phobia Chris17, in my travels I have become learned and enlightened and know that there is no such thing as the right side of the Humber Bridge, but the least right side is the south side.
Don't listen to this North Humberside phobia Chris17, in my travels I have become learned and enlightened and know that there is no such thing as the right side of the Humber Bridge, but the least right side is the south side.

There is no such thing as 'Humbrside', it was an abomination created by the same idiot who decided to build a bridge over a perfectly functional water feature that God created to keep Hull folk out of beautiful Lincolnshire.

On a more serious note, welcome to the forum @Chris17. acheers.
There might be enough of us around here to start a home brew club soon!
I think forming an elocution lessons club may be a more pressing concern.
First lesson... Urrrrrggggghhhhh is not a vowel, it is just a noise non-humberside people make if they stand barefoot in dog-s**t.
Away from all the talk of this mythical "Humberside" land. Thank you for the warm welcome everyone!