Hello from Bristol and some questions

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Nov 14, 2012
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Hello all

Just bought my first home brew kit from my local home brew shop, came with FV, pressure barrel, syphon, hydrometer, etc. as well as a Woodforde's Wherry kit.

I made a bit of a mistake, as I misread the instructions and instead of making the volume up to 23 litres, I added 23 litres, so the total volume is nearer 27 in all :cry: I know that this won't do it too much harm, just lower the ABV, but it's annoying, I'll be more careful next time!

I started the brew on Saturday afternoon, by Sunday morning the airlock was bubbling merrily. However, by Tuesday it has stopped bubbling and hasn't bubbled since. Did some Google searches and lots of advice not to rely on airlock, so I tested with the hydrometer, which is reading 1012, as far as I can tell (checked it in tap water and it is reading 1000).

I have read that Wherry is supposed to be around 1014 and considering that I put extra water in, 1012 seems low. I'll keep checking over the next few days to see if it shifts, but could fermentation really be over in 2-3 days? I did taste the sample, it does seem a bit thin, but there's definitely alcohol in there!

The FV is in a warm room, so the wort temperature is 22-24, which I gather is a bit on the warm side, but it's the only practical place I can use for brewing.

When I tested the brew, there is still some yeast on the surface and quite a few floaty bits, so I'm not convinced it's ready. Any advice appreciated!
welcome to the site.

It does tend to slow right down after a few days but it is still slowly working it's way towards being finished.
The fact that you made it to 27lts will just make it a little thinner but it will still be very nice.
The floaty bits are nothing to worry about and if it's down to 1012 it's prety much done but don't keg it until it's had around 10 to 14 days in the FV as the yeast is still working at clearing all the by products up from fermentation.

Just be patient and you'll end up with a nice pint ;)
Thanks for the tips. I'll keep it in the primary FV for now then, after which I'm going to bottle it, probably as I'm going to make a Porter and I've read that kegs are better for porters, plus I have family demanding bottles of homebrew for Christmas - I just hope it's finished conditioning by then!
SloeBrewer said:
I just hope it's finished conditioning by then!

It should just about be right for christmas.
I did one and it never got past 4 weeks old, they just kept getting better and better as time went on!