Hello from a Southern Home Brewer!

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New Member
Sep 12, 2013
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my name is Manmohan, and I started homebrewing in May 2012 using BIAB, then a ind friend donated their mash tun and my last 7 batches have been great!

My last 5 batches have been Belgium ie Blondes, Saison's, Westvleteren 12 clone, and were great, where I got all my recipes from the forums.

In may this year I found out about London Amateur Brewers, so I regularly joined that group, and its amazing the amount of knowledge the group has!

Anyway I will sign off now as I have been roped into organising the London and South east of England Homebrew competition on Sat 9th November 2013, and am busy getting people to donate prizes and to get cash donations to help us fund this.

Take care

Man' from London
Thanks Bob.

I wanted to post info about our competition for London and South East England, but I am on a probationary period (I want to add links to our competition website).

Hope this won't be a problem.

Excellent, thanks a lot!
There's plenty of time to brew i think but I hope people won't feel rushed into making beer.

Sorry i just got this message:
Your post looks too spamy for a new user, please remove off-site URLs.

How do I get around this?

Maybe I can email you what I wanted to post?



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