Heat pumps are they a waste of money?

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I remember back when i was a kid we had coal fires with back boilers which t heated water in a huge copper water tank in the airing cupboard those tanks seemed to be a lot bigger than the tanks these heat pups have you are going to have to be able to store a lot of hot water for days you have little sun or wind i don't think either are the solution if you are off grid.

Probably best with a wood burner and back boiler.
Were you a bit smaller then?
This is a great thread thanks to input from @jof @Northern_Brewer and the others members who either own or know their stuff about Heat Pumps, there is a lot of negative hear say about them on the internet its nice to see positive comments from owners.
The post COVID electric price rise literally halved the solar panel payback time from a questionable 13-15 years to about 7 years so getting them fitted became a no brainer.
We looked at getting them about 8 years ago. Really kicking ourselves that we didn't. Finally installed them last year. In the last week the electricity we've exported has paid for the gas we've used to heat the house. We don't want to change the heating system, so I heat pump isn't viable to replace our gas system, but if we were to do a new build it's a no brainer to use a heat pump and solar/wind +batteries. Far cheaper in the long run to heat the home.

I'd also put solar hot water on the roof as well.
We looked at getting them about 8 years ago. Really kicking ourselves that we didn't. Finally installed them last year. In the last week the electricity we've exported has paid for the gas we've used to heat the house. We don't want to change the heating system, so I heat pump isn't viable to replace our gas system, but if we were to do a new build it's a no brainer to use a heat pump and solar/wind +batteries. Far cheaper in the long run to heat the home.

I'd also put solar hot water on the roof as well.
As above, I have solar hot water. It's awesome. I joke not, we don't pay gas bills generally past about April.
Gas and electric so far this week why would I need a heat pump
Not everyone has gas, hence why solar panels & batteries pay off much sooner if you are all electric.
Similar if you go from storage heaters to air conditioning heat pump (as I've said before, if you don't have a wet heating system why pay the extra to install a more complex system)
Not everyone has gas, hence why solar panels & batteries pay off much sooner if you are all electric.
Similar if you go from storage heaters to air conditioning heat pump (as I've said before, if you don't have a wet heating system why pay the extra to install a more complex system)
I appreciate what you are saying but a lot of people don't get that much sun on their roofs nor have the money for a heat pump and batterys and inverter, and why would any company build wind turbines when there is no were to store this energy it just seems bonkers

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