Health issues with home brew?

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Brewing like a mad scientist
Sep 7, 2009
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I was just wondering if there are any known health issues with drinking home brew against drinking commercial?
I suppose that depends on how thorough the home brewer is with sterilization. Obviously the commercial brewers have very strict laws governing their process that the home brewer does not have.

I do feel this risk is probably academic, as if a brew is contaminated then it would likely be undrinkable anyway.
Kyral210 said:
I was just wondering if there are any known health issues with drinking home brew against drinking commercial?

Just that you're more likely to drink more of it :rofl: .
You'd have to be pretty determined to drink enough of a contaminated brew to cause any lasting health effects :sick:

I think (not 100% of amount) every fermentation produces a small quantity of methanol (poisonous) as opposed to ethanol. This should be in such low concentration as to have no effect in beer.
When you hear of people being blinded by homemade moonshine, it is because this methanol has been badly distilled and concentrated into a potent liquor.
I like to think that its better for you :D

We're not adding preservatives and E numbers, we keep the vessels clean and free from infection (most of the time) and with country wines and AG brews I like to think there's a good few vitamins still knocking about when its time to drink
I heard it ruins your taste-buds to the point where you can't drink commercial beer any more, and there is risk of personal injury if HB stuff isn't cleared away by the time the missus gets back after a brewday...

Seriously though, should be very little/no difference. With the lengths (most) people go to with sanitization and cleaning of homebrew equipment, it shoudl be very safe indeed.
Ha yes .... as Ceejay says, you can lose your nuts if you don't keep the missus sweet.

I had a bottle explode in my face last year ... I doubt that happens much with commercial beers too often.
Sean_Mc said:
We're not adding preservatives and E numbers,

Are you sure?

What about E223 and E290, E330, E334... possibly E405 if you like that sort of thing, E422, E509, E516, possibly E518, E558 if you want, E900 if you want, E925 if you're not careful, E941 if you like it creamy, E955 if you need... I could go on.

There are no pathogenic beer spoilage organisms . . . so anything that spoils your beer won't kill you.

The real risk to health is actually the same as imbibing commercially produced alcoholic beverages. . . Basically over imbibing, destroying liver etc etc etc.
jamesb said:
Sean_Mc said:
We're not adding preservatives and E numbers,

Are you sure?

What about E223 and E290, E330, E334... possibly E405 if you like that sort of thing, E422, E509, E516, possibly E518, E558 if you want, E900 if you want, E925 if you're not careful, E941 if you like it creamy, E955 if you need... I could go on.


Yeah, :rofl: as long as we don't add any 'Chemicals' eh? 'Chemicals' are bad, like Dihydrogen monoxide?
Not trying to be a smart **** here but i watched a programme a few months back about E numbers, and basicly the outcome was that E numbers are actually essential to humans diets, food and drink contain such a small amount its near impossible for them to actually cause you harm, its only the FAT thats harmful in these foods and drinks :thumb:
simonranson said:
Yorkslad said:
Not trying to be a smart **** here but i watched a programme a few months back about E numbers, and basicly the outcome was that E numbers are actually essential to humans diets

True... E948 does come in handy, but I could do with some more E174 or 175 ;)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yorkslad said:
Not trying to be a smart **** here but i watched a programme a few months back about E numbers, and basicly the outcome was that E numbers are actually essential to humans diets, food and drink contain such a small amount its near impossible for them to actually cause you harm, its only the FAT thats harmful in these foods and drinks :thumb:

Some are essential, some handy and some banned in other countries as they can be possibly life threatening :shock:

Oxygen and water given an E number you live and learn :whistle:

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