Have I mixed correctly

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Oct 26, 2012
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Just started my first batch of coopers Lager in their new kit - foaming nicely after day 1, but there seems to be a lot of enhancer settling on the bottom. Will this get eaten up by the yeast as fermenting continues?
Assuming you mixed the enhancer in fully, that's not enhancer, that's trub perfectly normal, just syphon your beer off it once fermentation has finished.

Have a look at THIS post that will talk you through exactly what to do.
Spent ages mixing, following instructions to the letter - OG 1.038 seemed about right - tempted to wait couple of days and stir again. IS THAT WISE!! or just let the yeast do it's job?
Now that the OG seems correct and stirring is not an option - I'll ignore instructions on label and let nature take it's course, makes far more sense as this batch is not intented for consumption before Xmas.

Will still check SG on regular basis until fermentation stops but won't bottle before 14 days (as there's no hurry).
Just bottled first brew - smells ok, looks ok and FG of 1013 seems normal for this brew. Looking forward to trying in a few weeks.

About to brew victorian ale, mixed with Burton Bridge Beer Enhancer and I'll use Grewin Ale yeast (11g) instead of the yeast provided with the wort. Last brew took 11 days - not sure how long this will take (who cares) it's all about the taste.