Going for it on Saturday. Bit of an experimental 10L biab. Been desperate to get it going but haven't had a clear 4-5 hours on a weekend which I reckon I'm going to need. Doing the cascade / centennial I mentioned earlier on this thread. Can't wait!
So who has done this and what are the results like so far?!
... after a chance discovery of a shop selling malt and hops near Kings Cross..
Where's that? I'm london based too. I usually get my ingredients from Brixton which is only 20min bike ride away from me but it would be good to know of a second source.
Please excuse my ignorance but I have punched your recipe into Brewmate as an experiment for a 7.5ltr brew.What is "Total Mash Volume"is that the volume of water and grain which could determine the size of pot required?As I say I am just playing with the software in an effort to understand the terminology / processes etc
Im hoping this will fit in my 12ltr pot!!!!