Sorry to keep going on about this but I really do have a bee in my bonnet re Grainfather.
They created in the early days a mysteria around them that they were better than the opposition when it arrived and were better because they had the market at the lower end to themselves which meant they were not making the margin they had created(overpriced) . This then created some online rubbishing of similar AIO even though they used the same bonded elements and pumps.
Now bear in mind apart from the control facia what was different.
This then escalated were some brewing groups online refused to let people with none Grainfather AIO's to join I am not saying all groups but certain ones.
I bought one of the first opposite AIO's called a ACE and got fed up of some and I say some Grainfather owners keep ramming it down my throat that my product was well inferior and would not last.
5 and 1/2 years later one of the elements gave up (when some Grainfather owners have given up before)but as some of you are aware I have put a Peco element in and it still works.
Now the boot is on the other foot as they have tried to combat people realising that there product was not cutting it in the lower market anymore and have produced a inferior product the S40, where is the service that they so called lived on they should have withdrawn the product or made a upgrade to rectify this issue. Lets hope they sort this problem as it is not suitable for mashing with a variance of so much and Grainfather knew this before release as I am sure their other products were made to meet this mashing criteria, it's nothing more than a Tea Urn.
Sorry for the rant feel much better now
Ps when I bought my ACE it cost me £290 from a local supplier while the Grainfather was £549 and that was if you shopped around so £259 cheaper and most of the angst came from Grainfather owners who had to justify why their machine had cost so much more instead of realising that the opposition had arrived.
I will repeat not all owners but probably the ones that felt a little duped so had to justify the price they had payed and as you know a discussion can soon become a catfight with some posters, I was at the receiving end on some of these for daring to buy a cheap nasty piece of equipment.
2nd Ps I am not bitter and twisted anymore