Grain Disposal

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Jul 27, 2008
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How do you guys get rid of yours? I compost some of mine but most of it ends up in the bin :cry: i'm looking for ideas to make better use of the by-products. :)
Mine went into the compost but I've found someone who keeps hens and is pleased to have them. They'll be a good addition to most animal feeds.
I give them to a farmer who has cows. He tells me they love the sugary grains, last year he threw me a load of steak from one of the cows that had eaten my grains. I know the amount of grain i gave to them meant little or no difference but it was a nice gesture and as i quite like steak :D
I'll take mine down to the local riding school, its quite good for horses as there is very little goodness left in the grain so it stops them getting fat.

Alternatively I just tip it onto the flower (well weed) beds and rake it out into a uniform layer, it then gets dug in over winter . . . nice soil conditioner.
In the compost bin along with the hops. Yeast cake goes in too :thumb:
Ian said:
In the compost bin along with the hops. Yeast cake goes in too :thumb:

Same with me. I'm planning to dig up more garden for vegetable patches next year so need all the good compost I can get.
Does composting it at home not attract mice and rats??
delboy said:
Does composting it at home not attract mice and rats??
I compost mine in a plastic compost bin and have never been troubled by rodents. There are plenty of cats in the neighborhood though, so that may help.

Once it's been in the bin a while with all the other vegetation I bag it up and take it to the allotment. :thumb:
delboy said:
Does composting it at home not attract mice and rats??
Not with four cats :D

must admit that I do get a little fed up of coming home and finding a partially eaten rodent in the kitchen . . . . . Which is slightly better than finding a partially digested one one the bed :evil:
I wouldnt mind so much if mine left a half rodent, at least you can avoid those. No, my cats eat the lot, except for one litle collection of organs which I suspect is billiary in nature. So you get these little 5-15mm little nuggets of very sticky mouse internals that are just left all over the shop - yuk!
I realise that we are veering off course here but when my old ginger tom first started to hunt he was very good at catching the prey but not killing then. One day I popped into the kitchen to put on the kettle only to realise that two blackies were sitting on the counter staring at me. Monty, for that was his name, had obviously caught and dragged them in the back door and was diverted by the Whiskers sitting in hs bowl and let them go.

However, it didn't take long for him to learn how to kill them and leave the remains on the door step. :roll:
A T said:
I give them to a farmer who has cows. He tells me they love the sugary grains, last year he threw me a load of steak from one of the cows that had eaten my grains. I know the amount of grain i gave to them meant little or no difference but it was a nice gesture and as i quite like steak :D

It great for increasing milk yield, my cousin a farmer used to get spent grain from Guinness until its was labeled as a possible toxic waste and started charging for it

I generally bin my in a brown bin that goes to a counsel composting
I compost my grain & get lovely fat worms trout eat the worms then i eat the trout. :twisted: :)
My pet goats get a feast from it.
They know when Im brewing and lurk near the house.
Likewise the sound of my neighbour firing up his lawnmower sends them mental as they know that grass clippings are inbound.
However they behave the same when any lawnmower fires up within earshot, so they are often going mental........ Maybe they are just mental? :hmm:
Mine get tipped into the composter and into a big hole where a tree got blown down last winter. Like a sort of landfill. :cool:
I dry out the individual grains and then glue them on pieces of paper to make a cheap alternative to sand paper................... :? oh no thats wrong thats what i do with left over cornflakes... yeah i compost the spent grain.