whitstella said:
I'm thinking about making a grain crusher for all grain once I get round to it. What is the best gap to set my rollers at because I'm not making it adjustable.
I think the answer really is . . .
It Varies and although once set you rarely have to play with it, getting it 'right' needs a degree of adjustability.
The Barley crusher is set to 0.38" from the factory, although I have reduced mine down to 0.036" over a couple of years.
IIRC The non adjustable malt mill is set to 0.045", which might be too wide for things like wheat and rye.
The real answer is to judge the crush, NOT set a gap and hope, as malt is a natural ingredient and will vary from year to year, maltster to maltster, variety to variety (If not from bag to bag of the same year/batch code, from the same maltster and the same variety)
If I had my time again I would buy the
Crankenstein 3D/E rollers and build my own hopper . . . In fact if anyone wants a fully functional Barley Crusher with Large Hopper, I'll swap it for a set of Crankenstein 3E Rollers
That is not to say that the BC is a bad malt, it is damn fine and fit for my purpose, but fiddly for things like Double milling (milling at one large gap, and then again at a smaller one)