Glycol Chiller cooling unit

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Peltiers are horribly inefficient. I think that it's like 5% efficiency.

For a 288W cooling unit like that, you'll get about 15W of actual cooling. So really weak and uses a ton of electricity
Wow I had no idea the Peltiers were so inefficient. Back to the drawing board, thanks Agentgonzo.
Wow I had no idea the Peltiers were so inefficient. Back to the drawing board, thanks Agentgonzo.
I'm setting up a compact cooling system as I don't have a lot of space. It is largely relying on freezing large (~1kg) ice cubes and replacing them every day.l, rather than having a cooling engine.
I'm setting up a compact cooling system as I don't have a lot of space. It is largely relying on freezing large (~1kg) ice cubes and replacing them every day.l, rather than having a cooling engine.
I've been pondering this for some time but wasn't sure how well it would bring down the wort from boiling to pitching temp. Tap water gets it down to 30c or so, but with lots of wasted water. Perhaps ice in a cooler is the way to go, or peltiers only for maintenance from what you and Mashbag advise.
I've been pondering this for some time but wasn't sure how well it would bring down the wort from boiling to pitching temp. Tap water gets it down to 30c or so, but with lots of wasted water. Perhaps ice in a cooler is the way to go, or peltiers only for maintenance from what you and Mashbag advise.
I'm going to post my first attempt at using this, but from a trial run using a tiny pump and some ice cubes I could drop the temperature of 20L of water by about 1 degree an hour. It was a very quick test but I got tap water temperature down from about 18 degrees to 13 degrees before the ice melted and I got distracted by other things.
One of these inline will do it. Six fans, two in the centre and two either side.,scm-url:1007.40000.327270.0,pvid:755bac5f-6db2-463c-b500-cffc161f1427,tpp_buckets:668#2846#8109#1935&pdp_npi=4@dis!AUD!167.92!57.77!!!787.63!270.96!@2101f01817222318843414684ee6d6!12000038823819377!rec!AU!130551969!X&utparam-url=scene:pcDetailTopMoreOtherSeller|query_from: