Getting a bit excited 3rd brew

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Active Member
May 6, 2020
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Yep. Must admit I'm getting a bit excited at the progress of my 3rd home brew.

Used yeast nutrient at the advice of a friend. Epic. Never had activity like that.

Tested a sample for ABV then placed sample in the fridge to try the crash test advice given on here. Low and behold 24hrs all the debris had dropped to the bottom.

Hops added now. Serious activity again.
Activity stopped after 24hrs

Whole fermentation vessel put in fridge.

Fingers crossed, quite excited, will all the debris fall to the bottom of the vessel....

Excellent!! and it's never too early to try a ver small sneaky sample (but best not to swallow it until the fermentation is finished)
Why not swallow it? I drink mine all the way from testing the treated water to kegging - though I obviously don't drink very much at any point until carbed and chilled.
Why not swallow it? I drink mine all the way from testing the treated water to kegging - though I obviously don't drink very much at any point until carbed and chilled.
Heh - maybe you can! I’ve just probably wrongly assumed the live yeast would have an ‘interesting’ effect on your digestive system :-)