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May 19, 2009
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Corby. Northants
just stated my second batch, and so far so good. finaly managed to get my hands on 1kg of dark spray malt (150 mile round trip to get it :clap:) hopefully it will turn out to be the best £5 ive ever spent. put the hydrometer in and ive got a sg of 1040, please let me know if thats good or bad. and when i should start to see anything happening in the bucket. :cheers:
150 miles, wow thats dedication :clap:

1.040 is a reasonable OG, what volume do you have in litres in the FV?
davesiv said:
finaly managed to get my hands on 1kg of dark spray malt (150 mile round trip to get it :clap:) hopefully it will turn out to be the best £5 ive ever spent.

Spoken like a true home brewer - the fact that you had to spend about £30 on petrol doesn't come into the equation. :lol:

Sound like you are well on track for a decent pint. :cheers:
i have 25ltr in the fv, it a 40pint kit. followed the instructions as well as the advise wez gave me last week. hopfully one day ill be brewing as good as you guys do. do you think i should have added more malt?
Dedication beyond the call of duty.......

1040 should give you a nice brew about 4.0 or thereabouts.

Cheers .....G
just got home from work. checked on my brew and its fermenting away nicely. took a hydrometer reading and its now down to 1.030. please let me know if that ok. :pray:
Hi There,

I would leave it now for 72 Hours and then recheck 1030 is still too high.

considering it's been going for 24 hours 1030 is fine! It's still considered too high to be finished, but it hasn't finished yet. The drop in gravity shows you fermentation is occuring which is good news.
How did it turn out Davesiv??

I made a few batches of this using reg. sugar, then tried it with brown sugar, then spray malt, then t&l golden syrup - to my palate, the brown sugar was the best (plenty of body, but not too sweet :cheers: )
oh no :shock: disaster!!!! checked on my brew this morning and everythings stopped. seen more life in a pint of mild on a sunny afternooon. took a hydro reading and its 1.016. gave it a stir to see if they would help. :pray: just hope that when i get home tonight its ok. any suggestions? :wha:
prime the bottles, then bottle, give it about 5 days in a warm room, then chill in fridge and drink..that will change it, it will be more lively after secondary fermentation!!
davesiv said:
oh no :shock: disaster!!!! checked on my brew this morning and everythings stopped. seen more life in a pint of mild on a sunny afternooon. took a hydro reading and its 1.016. gave it a stir to see if they would help. :pray: just hope that when i get home tonight its ok. any suggestions? :wha:
It's still dropped in gravity from the last time you checked it so I wouldn't be too concerned that activity appears to have slowed down, as it will around now (there's less sugar for the yeast to go at). You may not have even needed to stir it tbh. Check it again tomorrow. I wouldn't bottle until you've achieved two identical hydro readings over a 24 or 48 hour period.
ano said:
davesiv said:
oh no :shock: disaster!!!! checked on my brew this morning and everythings stopped. seen more life in a pint of mild on a sunny afternooon. took a hydro reading and its 1.016. gave it a stir to see if they would help. :pray: just hope that when i get home tonight its ok. any suggestions? :wha:
It's still dropped in gravity from the last time you checked it so I wouldn't be too concerned that activity appears to have slowed down, as it will around now (there's less sugar for the yeast to go at). You may not have even needed to stir it tbh. Check it again tomorrow. I wouldn't bottle until you've achieved two identical hydro readings over a 24 or 48 hour period.

checked my brew this morning and the hydro reading is now down to 1.013 :clap: so looks like it going to be ok :pray: thanks for the advise yesterday. :cheers: