Sinclair ZX 81
Acorn Electron - great for Elite!
Atari 64
PS 1, 2, 3
Now PS4
Acorn Electron - great for Elite!
Atari 64
PS 1, 2, 3
Now PS4
The chasing the tail thing by the way was what I meant about the mid cycle release with the Pro and X, consoles used to be able to boast that once you bought one it was IT for quite a while before something better came out, now you buy one and 18 months later the same company releases a slightly better one.... You can't even just open up your old one and put the new bits in it, oh no, it's an entire new console... lol
The PS4 has been out several years and the update version has not been out long so even if owning the latest kit was a priority i wouldn't think I had been ripped off having bought the original PS4, I would only get the new version if mine broke as I am more than happy with it.
Yeah you don't need to chase it and upgrade every year.. some do I upgrade every 4 years or so and its fine
I got i5 6600k and 1060 Overclocked edition a few years ago and it will be fine for many years to come.
@AdeDunn you'res looks similar to mine, in that you appear to have a watercooled bloc and exhaust fan?
The PS4 has been out several years and the update version has not been out long so even if owning the latest kit was a priority i wouldn't think I had been ripped off having bought the original PS4, I would only get the new version if mine broke as I am more than happy with it.
Surely the same applies with a PC gaming rig though? Only more so, as you don't even have to replace the entire system like you do with a console?
The PS4 was released in November 2013 so its nearly 5 years old i do not remember how much i paid but it was less than a high end graphics card and if i was still building gaming PC's and built one 5 years ago i would be on my second graphics card by now as no one who is serious about their kit would be still using a 5 year old graphics card, CPU and RAM etc, so doubling/tripling the money spent.
The problem with building PC's for gaming is you can only push each component so far i remember having built my all singing and dancing rig and having played it for a while i decided to upgrade the ram and G/Card i then discovered the PSU was not up to the job so i ended up buying a much better one then later as more powerful CPU's came out i found the motherboard wouldn't take them so that had to be switched, its a brilliant hobby if you have the money and i still prefer PC gaming to consoles but budget and the type of gaming i do now mean i will be sticking to consoles.
A10, both the CPU and the RX Vega graphics onboard, and costs £89.99. So sorry, the cheaper than a graphics card argument doesn't actually hold water these days if you stop comparing apples and oranges for a moment.
Can non play anything with less than 60 frames
The FPS argument has been going on for years and I would be surprised if anyone could see the difference between 50 and 70 I know one thing for sure my eyes are ****** and i would be surprised if I could now tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps
I think 60 FPS is considered the magic number above that I think its hard to tell the added smoothness but having the performance headroom.
30fps is noticable to me but I dont get too hung up..
I tend to push textures up to Ultra where possible as long as the FPS is 40-50 odd still I am happy.
ve got a 144 hz panel and a good 60hz panel, yeah I can tell but thats playing fast paced games with a mouse.