French election

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Local Irish election were different this year, Sinn Fein did not make the gains expected. A lot of local independent candidates stood for local issues. Mica housing scandal is a big issue in Donegal. Great to see local independents getting a chance to have a voice. Hopefully it can make a difference
Yes i did but i changed my mind mainly because of Farages association with yaxly Lennon
Just as an aside, if immigration is really important to you, the SDP have an interesting manifesto.

I know someone standing for them. Many of their manifesto promises do resonate with me. Sadly, they'll be lucky to get more than a handful of votes.
Legal immigration i have no problem with at all, but i do feel let down by the lack of investment in infrastruture to look after and provide adequate social care for everybody because as we are now seeing people start looking for scape goats, so the government of the last 14 years has let us down on that one, even the previous governments are to blame
Legal immigration i have no problem with at all, but i do feel let down by the lack of investment in infrastruture to look after and provide adequate social care for everybody because as we are now seeing people start looking for scape goats, so the government of the last 14 years has let us down on that one, even the previous governments are to blame
As I've said with regards to Immigration (and the French have a bigger problem than we do, which makes it relevant)....

We're an aging population and we're just not having children. So who pays the pensions for those not working?
If we don't have children (as our parents and grandparents did after the war), then where is the money coming from to secure our future?

One of the reasons the French are revolting and voting for the right is because their pension age was raised from 62 to 64.

They also have some challenges. Unlike the UK, the French overseas territory is an open market. So those living in 5 of these territories are entitled to exactly the same rights as those living in mainland France. 2 in the Caribbean, 2 off the coast of Africa, one in South America.

These people are French citizens and can vote in EU elections. There are 3 million of them and at any time, they can just move to mainland France and claim anything they want. They're EU citizens too, so have full Schengen rights.
Local Irish election were different this year, Sinn Fein did not make the gains expected. A lot of local independent candidates stood for local issues. Mica housing scandal is a big issue in Donegal. Great to see local independents getting a chance to have a voice. Hopefully it can make a difference

For some stupid reason I reactivated my twitter account recently and there are quite a few Irish nationalist on there, I don't know if they are relevant politically at all. Tommy Robinson was over there recently too, espousing his Irish heritage.
Local Irish election were different this year, Sinn Fein did not make the gains expected. A lot of local independent candidates stood for local issues. Mica housing scandal is a big issue in Donegal. Great to see local independents getting a chance to have a voice. Hopefully it can make a difference
It won’t. We will still have to foot a massive bill when demolishing our family homes.
No government will ever give a sh1t about the forgotten county .
For some stupid reason I reactivated my twitter account recently and there are quite a few Irish nationalist on there, I don't know if they are relevant politically at all. Tommy Robinson was over there recently too, espousing his Irish heritage.
There are a few far right parties but they are on the margins.
The Irish economy is doing quite good with full employment.
There are major issues though with housing, cost of living and the health service.
For some stupid reason I reactivated my twitter account recently and there are quite a few Irish nationalist on there, I don't know if they are relevant politically at all. Tommy Robinson was over there recently too, espousing his Irish heritage.
I haven't been on twitter for a while. It's toxic, as for Tommy Robinson he's a low life. Poster boy for the ring wing clowns over here
The far-right National Rally (RN) has pulled off another victory and is now well on the way to its goal of turning French politics on its head.

There will be much talk in the coming days of centrist and left-wing candidates standing aside in round two in order to concentrate the anti-RN vote – and much wailing about the disappearance of the old Front Républicain (when the other parties used to agree to keep out the far-right).

But it would take an upset of monumental proportions to overturn the only conclusion that can be drawn from this first round of voting, which is that RN is now indisputably the dominant political force in France.
The far-right National Rally (RN) has pulled off another victory and is now well on the way to its goal of turning French politics on its head.

There will be much talk in the coming days of centrist and left-wing candidates standing aside in round two in order to concentrate the anti-RN vote – and much wailing about the disappearance of the old Front Républicain (when the other parties used to agree to keep out the far-right).

But it would take an upset of monumental proportions to overturn the only conclusion that can be drawn from this first round of voting, which is that RN is now indisputably the dominant political force in France.
Germany and France are in big trouble, so the UK needs to get closer to China. EU sticking it to China with the tariffs hasn't gone down well. Germany has sent trade ministers to try and sort things out Premier Li Qiang refused to see them.
Thoroughly depressing that people are turning to the far right.
far right? sorry to break it to you but anyone with a different opinion as you are not far right. Just a tactic of the far left to call everyone with a different opinion to them as far right in an attempt to stifle free and open discussion. In a democracy it's normal and crucial to have a variety of opinions across the whole political spectrum. If you have to resort to name calling tactics to avoid discussion then you need to work a bit harder on your arguments. Shooting down the far right, or far left, with sensible arguments is easy and text book...If you're calling people names to shut them up then you need to try harder.

Tommy Robinson is a pratt, but the vile tripe he mutters and as far right as Corbyns are to the far left who's vile tripe is just as disgusting but at least Corby's views were allowed to be put out there and discussed and debated and were fully and absolutely rejected via the democratic process...but despite that many on the left still seem to love him. Its the far lefts tactics to, via any means possible, take people out of the democratic process to silence them...exposing their tyrannical instincts.
As I've said with regards to Immigration (and the French have a bigger problem than we do, which makes it relevant)....

We're an aging population and we're just not having children. So who pays the pensions for those not working?
If we don't have children (as our parents and grandparents did after the war), then where is the money coming from to secure our future?

One of the reasons the French are revolting and voting for the right is because their pension age was raised from 62 to 64.

They also have some challenges. Unlike the UK, the French overseas territory is an open market. So those living in 5 of these territories are entitled to exactly the same rights as those living in mainland France. 2 in the Caribbean, 2 off the coast of Africa, one in South America.

These people are French citizens and can vote in EU elections. There are 3 million of them and at any time, they can just move to mainland France and claim anything they want. They're EU citizens too, so have full Schengen rights.
I think you have hit the nail on the head here with the aging population. In the UK, and probably the same across western Europe, the birthrate of the indigenous population fell below that which is required to maintain the population, let alone grow it, in the early 1970's and has never recovered. But the UK population has grown steadily since the early 1970's.. But the UK's population has increased by 20 million people since that is the scale of immigration into the UK over the last 50 years, thats 30% of todays population coming from net immigration. This has significantly outpaced our GDP growth meaning the GDP per capita has been reducing over that time so it's absolutely no mystery why people are feeling poorer as immigration has risen...because we are actually poorer. And when people feel their standard of living is in decline they start to demand that the reasons for that are tackled.

Obviously immigration is not the whole reason for this...but it is a big factor and it doesn't help when people see that our government cannot even control our boarders and we have no control over immigration whatsoever. The battle over immigration is not about zero's about control of immigration. Labour will do nothing to get control of our boarders or control unfettered illegal immigration....Starmer has nothing...I don't even think he is going to attempt to do anything about it. He knows he can't, the legal system has our hands tied behind our back and Starmer has no will or desire to tackle the legal system.
Obviously immigration is not the whole reason for this...but it is a big factor and it doesn't help when people see that our government cannot even control our boarders and we have no control over immigration whatsoever. The battle over immigration is not about zero's about control of immigration. Labour will do nothing to get control of our boarders or control unfettered illegal immigration....Starmer has nothing...I don't even think he is going to attempt to do anything about it. He knows he can't, the legal system has our hands tied behind our back and Starmer has no will or desire to tackle the legal system.
The thing is, there is immigration we need and immigration we don't.

The Right Wing has latched onto the immigration we don't need - the 4% of immigrants that are coming here illegally. And Labour have been clear and consistent about how we deal with that. Which isn't to shout loudly and just "send them back" which just isn't possible.

Farage, for instance, says "He'll send them back to France". Except he won't. The French won't accept them and I for one don't fancy declaring war on a Right wing France over immigration. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't put them on a ferry and make them our problem.

He also wants out of the ECHR. Think about that for a minute. You know all those rights you currently enjoy? Can be taken away. Nothing you can do. The ECHR is independent of the EU.

The key points to immigration into this country, certainly in the last few years is this:

Students. The biggest single immigration number. Universities are underfunded. Foreign students pay 3-4x more than British students.
In fairness to these folk, although they've pushed net migration up initially, I think this number will stabilise naturally - as more come, more leave.

NHS - We bring in lots of foreign doctors. The NHS has been underfunded for years and as an aging (and sicker) population, we need more and more doctors and nurses. They don't just appear on trees - training is expensive and takes years. Not to mention no-one wants to do it.
Easier to import ready trained folk.

Skilled workers - there are some areas that every country has a shortage of. There are few countries in the world that don't have a skilled worker visa scheme.

I'd seriously have a look at the migration watch site - they're impartial and explain the breakdown in numbers.

This is one that Farage doesn't want to discuss. He's more interest in shouting about plastic boats.

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