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Nonsense…you must have lived in a very isolated little enclave of England. England is massively diverse in the main cities and large towns. I’ve holidayed in France a lot and you see as many foreign faces they’re as you do in the uk. And get out into the more rural areas it’s predominantly white as it is in England as immigrants tend to flock to the big cities and towns.

And brexit wasn’t about race though the lefties and remoaners try to make it about race at every opportunity.

The issue of immigration has nothing to do with race and there are huge issues right across Europe due to unfettered immigration policies destabilising entire cities. That’s not a matter of opinion, it’s a matter of fact.

And as for our illustrious leaders, they need to get their heads out of their own backsides and start listening to the people. We’ve seen governments overreaching themselves across Europe including the UK and over the pond in Canada with some pretty tyrannical actions against their own people. And anyone who speaks up against these actions are called far right….far easier to try to take people out of the conversation rather than have to contend with their opposing opinions.
Rubbish. "I fart in your générale direction, paltroon!"

I agree Bournemouth and Poole have become the festering armpit of the nation and that cosmopolitan cities are far more tolerant. Xenophobia is strongest where there are fewest foreigners, that's true, as it's based largely on ignorance.

Brexit is and was 100% about race in my opinion, but that's my opinion.
YOU, on the other hand, illustrate my point perfectly: those who disagree with you are labelled "lefties" and "remoaners", which you clearly despise. How much more do you despise the immigrants which are, as we speak, destabilising major cities. This "matter of fact" you mention, could you point us towards which cities you had in mind and how they've become destabilised, because, as you point out, we know nothing in our little enclaves.

Now I'm a little confused about your position. What is it, exactly? You come across as a bit confused: you don't like lefties or remoaners, but "far right" seems to be an insult to your ears, too.

Our illustrious leaders need to extract their heads and listen: give us an example of what you mean.
Governments overeaching themselves in the UK... Do you mean things like Rwanda?
... and across europe and in Canada: Could you give us a few examples as I, for one, like Manuel in Faulty Towers, know nothing.

So. All soundbites and no substance. You don't write speeches for Farridge, by any chance, do you?
Of coarse your wife is French and if i met her i would treat her just the same as everybody i meet, this movement is not about ordinary people who just want to work and have a better life it's about the elite who want to cause division and change, in the street were i live in a small town there are people from the four corners of the world who all get on, example of me a few years ago my nieghbours daughter married a Turkish guy who she met on holiday i got him a job were i used to work, i have Irianian Polish romainian and lithuainan people as friends, it is not your wife or any other foriegn national who is causing this problem it is the globalists
In respect to the victory of Marine LePens party, they are inherently racist and islamaphobic.
When this result was announced last night, my wife (who has no interest in politics) was furiously texting back and forth to her friends in France.
For people of my wife's background this result is upsetting and terrifying
i have no more to say on this thread

Rod has made his decision if anyone goads him to get a reaction or to get the last word in it will be their last word.

This was my earlier post discussing what has gone on -

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French racism is surprising.
On moving here, I was happily surprised to see so many mixed-colour families out and about, which I rarely saw in England. Conversely, the French seem to have a real problem with Arabic people, paticularly with those of the Maghreb. I haven't quite got to the bottom of that yet. My wife is French and the only racism she experienced was in the UK. Brexit was the final straw. A casual observer wouldn't notice how this legitimised racism overnight and exposed a deep seated hatred of "foreigners" among, especially, some of the right-leaning middle classes. I wouldn't have noticed either, without seeing the distress of my colleagues who were native French and German teachers.
All right-wing ideologies contain a greater or lesser element of racism and xenophobia. How can they not when they support hierarchies over equality?
I was not wanting to get involved in this tbh but I feel I have to when to when you said I was happily surprised to see so many mixed-colour families out and about, which I rarely saw in England.
Nonsense…you must have lived in a very isolated little enclave of England. England is massively diverse in the main cities and large towns. I’ve holidayed in France a lot and you see as many foreign faces they’re as you do in the uk. And get out into the more rural areas it’s predominantly white as it is in England as immigrants tend to flock to the big cities and towns.

And brexit wasn’t about race though the lefties and remoaners try to make it about race at every opportunity.

The issue of immigration has nothing to do with race and there are huge issues right across Europe due to unfettered immigration policies destabilising entire cities. That’s not a matter of opinion, it’s a matter of fact.

And as for our illustrious leaders, they need to get their heads out of their own backsides and start listening to the people. We’ve seen governments overreaching themselves across Europe including the UK and over the pond in Canada with some pretty tyrannical actions against their own people. And anyone who speaks up against these actions are called far right….far easier to try to take people out of the conversation rather than have to contend with their opposing opinions.

I was not intending on joining this thread BUT sorry i cannot agree with your statement that you do not see mixed colour families in England. I live in the west of Scotland and i see a healthy mix as there always has been, Scotland has always welcomed incomers and always will as a dwindling and ageing population need movement of workforce to remain financially viable that is well proven, so I cannot agree. I work a month a time down in Bristol and hand on heart its a truly cosmopolitan society made up from all over the globe.

To have this twisted into a political debate is not fair or just.

As said we are all entitled to our views ans opinions of course we are.

BUT its a fair comment to reference the far right taking power in Europe is a timely reminder and concerning.

Sadly when economic downturn or any other major global factor occurs the electorate punish their representatives, but sometimes its too late to put the genie back in the bottle.

In the UK by and large our politics are tame and our right wing is nothing like as extreme as France or Germany for example conversely our left wing is very tame as well, so in effect we just have variations on the centre, what is unfolding across Europe is VERY different and we should pay attention.
i cannot agree with your statement that you do not see mixed colour families in England. I live in the west of Scotland and i see a healthy mix as there always has been, Scotland has always welcomed incomers and always will as a dwindling and ageing population need movement of workforce to remain financially viable that is well proven, so I cannot agree.
You disagree with my experience? I'm somehow deluded? Perhaps the South is different to the Scotland in this. I can't speak for Bristol. Anyway, congrats to Scotland. Relatively enlightened.
our right wing is nothing like as extreme as France or Germany
Don't kid yourself. They're every bit as extreme. A real and present danger.
what is unfolding across Europe is VERY different and we should pay attention.
No it's NOT different and YES we do need to pay attention.

If you think I've twisted the mixed-colour family thing into a political debate (it;s not always clear what you're referring to) that wasn't my intention. Rather it was to express that IN MY EXPERIENCE there was relatively little obvious racism against the black population, but I'd heard that racism against Arabic peoples was rife. In fact I haven't come across many who are obviously Arabic here in the Duchy. Maybe things are quite different in the "zones" of Paris or in Marseilles.
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You disagree with my experience? I'm somehow deluded? Perhaps the South is different to the Scotland in this. I can't speak for Bristol. Anyway, congrats to Scotland. Relatively enlightened.

Don't kid yourself. They're every bit as extreme. A real and present danger.

No it's NOT different and YES we do need to pay attention.

Not looking to fall out with you but giving a balanced view from my experiences

Sorry but I stand by my analogy of UK politics in relation to wider European, the UK is shades of the centre, our left wing was decimated decades ago and has zero traction and most left wing activities are outlawed, example when have you ever seen UK truckers blockade ports or major routes, the lack of protection in law for the drivers makes this non existent, not the case in other countries.
Conversely the far right are never likely to assume power the right wing and as many have said UKIP are considered the most extreme to be considered viable are not a shade on the racist thugs that masqueraded as right wing in the 1980's UK society and legislation have eroded this significantly and sorry but i feel comparing Le Pen to Farage is folly they are opposite ends of the spectrum.

Its part of the issue with the UK our politicians are so boring and middle of the roads and scared to alienate the electorate they will sell their soul to remain in office. Not saying I want the extremes of other countries but look at Labour and the Tories to quote there is not a fag paper between them its true they are so closely aligned the only way to tell is the colour of the tie or outfit.
I, too, hope we don't fall out. Certainly not my intention.
I agree that the militant Left has lost the will to fight. The drivers? They could easily organise themselves into an effective body of they had the will to do so. Oh, against the law? Let's see how much the law holds good when the country is brought to a standtstill and with popular support. But it won't happen. The word "solidarity" has been expunged from the English language and psyche.
Now who suggested that LePen and Farage were alike? I've looked through the thread again and can't find who said it. Farage is a chancer, a spiv, and nothing more. That doesn't mean he's not very dangerous LePen is serious and she's in this game for the long haul. That's the main difference.
You're right that the actvists of the 80s National Front are not putting their heads above the parapet, but Tony Martin and his party are alive and well Do you imagine they're not lurking in the shadows, waiting to come back? Dream on. I was going to suggest that, at least with LePen, you know what you're buying into, but that;s not so She's by no means showing her full hand. Farridge and his merry men are but fools. As soon as they get a foot in the door the hard-liners will be right behind him.
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I'm going to be really interested to see the outcome of this election, and I actually admire Macron for calling it on a short timescale.

France and Germany seem to have a similar issue to the UK - the European elections have a lower turnout (France seems like 45% this year compared to Presidential elections of 70-85%), the more anti-Europe/pro-nationalist voters are more motivated to vote, and a chunk of the rest of the electorate use it as a protest vote against the incumbent government.

It's not entirely surprising though. The inflation the UK has been suffering has also happened in Germany and France and history shows us that the right wing tends to strengthen in times of economic hardship. Perhaps it shows that the EU concept is struggling. We'll see if this translates in the French Presidential election.
Of coarse your wife is French and if i met her i would treat her just the same as everybody i meet, this movement is not about ordinary people who just want to work and have a better life it's about the elite who want to cause division and change, in the street were i live in a small town there are people from the four corners of the world who all get on, example of me a few years ago my nieghbours daughter married a Turkish guy who she met on holiday i got him a job were i used to work, i have Irianian Polish romainian and lithuainan people as friends, it is not your wife or any other foriegn national who is causing this problem it is the globalists
Right, but you bang on about Farage. A privately dedicated millionaire banker and trader.

And he’s somehow different? If he got in power, not only would our economy become even more toilet than it is, he’d be giving all his mates contracts.

Not to mention he wants out of the human rights bill. You do realise what that means?

Have a read of 1984.
I'm going to be really interested to see the outcome of this election, and I actually admire Macron for calling it on a short timescale.

France and Germany seem to have a similar issue to the UK - the European elections have a lower turnout (France seems like 45% this year compared to Presidential elections of 70-85%), the more anti-Europe/pro-nationalist voters are more motivated to vote, and a chunk of the rest of the electorate use it as a protest vote against the incumbent government.

It's not entirely surprising though. The inflation the UK has been suffering has also happened in Germany and France and history shows us that the right wing tends to strengthen in times of economic hardship. Perhaps it shows that the EU concept is struggling. We'll see if this translates in the French Presidential election.
Older people are more likely to vote. Has always been the way. Young people don’t care so much for politics but as we get older, we become more opinionated. And sadly, that often means to the right.

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