Your comments are lovely but I'm really just the messenger in this case, the credit properly belongs to Dave Lannigan at Ride Brewing Co who was kind enough to offer up the hops. As for sharing beers made with them, again I don't think it's fair to put people under that expectation as these were offered here as 'free'. I was in two minds whether to bill for postage at all since it did rather break the idea of the offer I'd put up here as it was. My enjoyment from this has been in facilitating good things for other people, I've learnt a lot about vacuum sealing, and I do owe an apology for one or two of the packages where the vacuum failed a bit and I had to reseal them.
@Broken Toe I don't think there will be left over once I'm done packaging but I'll see. A couple of the packages were a bit short on weight because either there was more limited stock than I expected (the goldings) or I ran out of vac pack roll and it was all I could fit in what was left. I've also a few to send still, I might get some time today to pack them down but I'm not sure.