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Better still, take the time to learn who's who on the forum and why they have the respect they do. There are those on here who have forgotten more about brewing than I have ever known...
Tbh I never do take anything as gospel! Mainly cos I can never remember what folk have told me in the first place!

:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
Elburnzo said:
I'll stick to nodding when the clever folks tell me what to do n follow all instructions without question :tongue:

We need more people like this in the world - there are too many people questioning everything when all they need to do is do as they are told, especially on the tinternerd.


Disclaimer: please take notice of the smilies, they are an indication of my sarcasm and flippancy when it comes to most things said in forums and an indication that I think that most things done and said by the human race is mostly bollox and no way intended as cyber bullying.
brewtim said:
Elburnzo said:
I'll stick to nodding when the clever folks tell me what to do n follow all instructions without question :tongue:

We need more people like this in the world - there are too many people questioning everything when all they need to do is do as they are told, especially on the tinternerd.


Disclaimer: please take notice of the smilies, they are an indication of my sarcasm and flippancy when it comes to most things said in forums and an indication that I think that most things done and said by the human race is mostly bollox and no way intended as cyber bullying.

Well thats bound to offend someone,disclaimer or not. Modern manners can't cope with sarcasm which is a shame- I've had so very long to perfect the art.
Elburnzo said:
Tbh I never do take anything as gospel! Mainly cos I can never remember what folk have told me in the first place!

:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
Not least I don't take gospel as, well, gospel :D
BIGJIM72 said:
brewtim said:
Elburnzo said:
I'll stick to nodding when the clever folks tell me what to do n follow all instructions without question :tongue:

We need more people like this in the world - there are too many people questioning everything when all they need to do is do as they are told, especially on the tinternerd.


Disclaimer: please take notice of the smilies, they are an indication of my sarcasm and flippancy when it comes to most things said in forums and an indication that I think that most things done and said by the human race is mostly bollox and no way intended as cyber bullying.

Well thats bound to offend someone,disclaimer or not. Modern manners can't cope with sarcasm which is a shame- I've had so very long to perfect the art.

Wasn't that the reason why smilies were invented, so that people that wouldn't 'get it' would have a chance of 'getting it' if they were presented with the correct sort of smilie !

British humour does have its downfalls sometimes in this brave new online, international, multi-watsit thing, except it's not so new anymore.

The internet is a legacy communication - NEXT :arrow: :mrgreen:
Oh God . . .Aleman's at it again :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
brewtim said:
Wasn't that the reason why smilies were invented, so that people that wouldn't 'get it' would have a chance of 'getting it' if they were presented with the correct sort of smilie !

British humour does have its downfalls sometimes in this brave new online, international, multi-watsit thing, except it's not so new anymore.

The internet is a legacy communication - NEXT :arrow: :mrgreen:

Another forum I use occasionally had a guy who used the :dozey: smiley if he was unsure of something, a question mark if you will (or so he claimed), other posters took this along with his general posting style to mean he was calling them dozey...

This lead to a hell of a lot of bad feeling on that forum for quite some time, most of those involved no longer use the placce at all now.

Since then I try and make sure I write what I mean, then re-read it and only add smilies if they absolutely cannot be misinterpretted. Makes some posts damned hard work and as such I stay out of them as the net is for R&R (rest and relaxation) not R&R (Rowing and Raging)!

Also if I'm on the receiving end I either ignore the poster from then on, or ask directly if my interpretation is correct. Makes life a little simpler :)