Who's a lucky boy then mix :party:

I've no 'take' on what's best as I've not used either yet. I did do a lot of reading round on JBK when I was on, and on THBF, and have seen a lot of US site stuff too. Aleman really finally sold it to me by pm, something to do with the crush as per my previous post. There also seem to be a lot of folk who'd like a Crankenstein but who won't stretch to it cost wise. Sorry I can't be of more help.
Todays fettling was a real PITA. The motor has the smallest mounting slots you can imagine, they'll only take M5 bolts which for a motor of that size is ridiculous, and they're lower down on each side of the circular casing than the periphery of the housing so you can't just put a mounting plate across from one side to the other. Determined not to spend any cash on this project (xmas

) and use what's to hand the mounting plate was made from some left over aluminium angle
I had to raise the mount on the bolts using nuts under the mount to hold it away from the body. Then I drilled through the vertical section of the mount and bolted a wooden batten to the mount. The idea was to make the batten movable to take up slack in the belt which may happen over time, however on speaking to the father in law he said it wouldn't be needed based on the hours of use we give it, so one less job...always welcome

I fitted the motor in the top of the cupboard and was surprised by how much it impacts on the space available (should have thought that one through

) In this guise the hopper has to be tilted toward the front in order to fit
I'm seriously thinking about putting the motor under the mill and making the entire area to the batten on the cupboard the hopper then I can just chuck the grain in easily :hmm: the only thought worrying me is the dust around the motor in the bottom of the cupboard.