Flat mexican cerveza

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Active Member
Dec 26, 2011
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I have brewed the above lager and it has been in bottles outside for 3 weeks and i opened a tester bottle this morning and it is flat. Any suggestions on how i can save it and make it fizzy?
If you primed the bottles with sugar you should keep them in the warm for at least a week before cooling them. The sugar in the bottles does a 'mini' ferment and instead of the Co2 gas escaping from the air lock it gets desolved in the beer. After that you should keep them cool for a few weeks and IMO store them for a good month before drinking.

So if i bring these back indoors for a couple of weeks do you think they might come back to life?
yeah bring them back in for a week at least. did you bottle it all in glass bottles? best to always put some in a plastic bottle so you can test the carbonation by feeling how hard the bottle is.
I made a youngsters lager kit which I bottled last Thursday. Put it in fridge from warmth on weds am, and and tried it last night (too impatient, and hehe) .

Flat as a nuns'... Very nice taste, and bottle was quite pressured. However, I I'd read on here that should use 85g sugar.. So, I upped to 90 to ensure ok. But, if I then read instructions again a few days after, which said to use 160g... So, anywhere guess that's my problem.

Leaving them in warmth for another week, but and will hopefully get a little more carb ...
also did the cerveza kit followed instructions and after 3 weeks the beer was flat but re primed the bottles with a further 10g ,2 litre bottles by the way ,kept in the warmth for further week and a half put in the cool for a furhter 3 weeks and still pretty flat slight fizz but nothing major still drinkable have been a few threads on here about the cerveza being flat next time i try it i am going to batch prime with about 130g of sugar to see if that makes a difference hope this helps :thumb:
I can only speak from my experiences, this was my first kit and has been in the bottle for 3 weeks now. Being my first brew I tested some last weekend and there was a good fizz and a good head.

I used 500ml brown glass and plastic bottles, added one Cooper's Carbination tablet to each one. There's a fizz as you open the bottle and the beer has dropper perfectly clear.

Luck I suppose...
I done mine in 500ml glass bottles, i have brought them back indoors so will give it a couple of weeks amd test it again.

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