First time Corny keg user

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I use a ring spanner on mine. Looks like this…

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Sorry to be a bit late to the thread Tess, I use a spanner like to one above, though a wee bit shorter. I do suggest though a pause for thought on replacing the fixed long dip tube with a floating one. I've 6 kegs and they all have long dip tubes and work really well. there's a small dimple below the dip tube and any slight debris that settles out will fill it. Sometimes the first pour is a bit murky if I didn't transfer properly clear beer but it clears quickly. The main use of a floating dip tube as far as I'm aware is if you are going to use a corny as a secondary fermenter so will have much more yeast debris, similar to the idea of cask conditioning.

Sorry to be a bit late to the thread Tess, I use a spanner like to one above, though a wee bit shorter. I do suggest though a pause for thought on replacing the fixed long dip tube with a floating one. I've 6 kegs and they all have long dip tubes and work really well. there's a small dimple below the dip tube and any slight debris that settles out will fill it. Sometimes the first pour is a bit murky if I didn't transfer properly clear beer but it clears quickly. The main use of a floating dip tube as far as I'm aware is if you are going to use a corny as a secondary fermenter so will have much more yeast debris, similar to the idea of cask conditioning.

I would agree with Anna, I cut off about 1cm of mine and use them for primary fermentation and serving and really only have one cloudy pour the rest are fine. If you are using them as serving kegs I would also leave the dip tube alone.
All depends how clean your transfers are. If you are doing closed transfers, there really is no need to replace the dip tubes. I replaced mine with caskwidges, only to go back to the dip tubes. You actually get less beer out of the keg with a caskwidge, due to its shape.

If your transfers are clean, every pint will be clear, even the first one. I use a 23L keg to ferment in, with a floating dip tube. If the FV doesn't quite have enough in it to fill the donor keg, a little trub can sneak in. But you don't even need to pour more than about 100ml to get rid of it.
Haven't read the whole thread so not sure if you have found a tool but BKT do one. Multi tool that allows you to set up your taps as well.

Not sure what the problem with drawing off from the bottom.
I would agree with the others that there is no real need to replace the dip tubes, I get clear beer from the first to last pour with standard tubes when force carbonating. I have got to admit though that sometimes I overthink things and I too was worried that pulling from the bottom of the keg would result in pulling crap from the bottom before I got them. Why don't you try 1 keg with a normal dip tube and one with a floating dip tube and see which method you prefer before modifying both kegs 🍻
I agree with what Anna said - I bought 2 floating dip tubes for a couple of my kegs, used them a couple of times each, but as soon as the kegs are empty then I'll be putting the original dip tubes back in. I see no benefit un the floating vs original. The floting dip tubes I just find annoying when cleaning my kegs as they rattle around and fall out when the keg updside down.
As has been said, if your transfer is clean, it'll be fine. IIRC you use and allrounder? If so, transfer should be pretty clean via the floating dip tube in there anyway.
I‘ve got one keg with a floating dip tube and three with normal dip tubes, I only used the floating one once as it’s pointless and more hassle than it’s worth. You are better off not changing them. I’ll be putting the normal dip tube back in the next time I use that keg.
Thanks everyone for your comments and help. 🙏

@jimgoer can you have look and see what you think?

@Chippy_Tea please could you check Jim's account as I can't tag him. He rarely uses it though so maybe that's why?

Edit: - actually it's ok as I wasn't putting a space in. Doh!
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I disassemble my cornies when they are empty clean the inside with a garden hose, sanitise all parts with AWB, rinse and reassemble.
After sanitising them can the be left for a week or so then filled up? Or is it best to just it then sanitise just before filling? One of mine is almost empty and my next brew has about a week left in the fermenter.
Don't see any harm in leaving them for as long as you need after cleaning. That's what I do. No issues so far. I think a more important thing to do is clean them as quickly as possible after they kick. I have had two infections since starting this hobby over a decade ago and whilst I don't know for sure that's the reason, it could have been or maybe added to it. I just don't take the chance any more. Hygiene is paramount.
I just don't take the chance any more. Hygiene is paramount.
Would VWP be okay to use and then let dry completely before using sanitiser (chemsan in my case). VWP say they are okay to use on SS but internet consensus seems to be it will ruin it.
I like my nice new cornys too much to ruin them 😂

Would VWP be okay to use and then let dry completely before using sanitiser (chemsan in my case). VWP say they are okay to use on SS but internet consensus seems to be it will ruin it.
I like my nice new cornys too much to ruin them 😂
If internet consensus says VWP will ruin your cornies why you asking on the internet?
If internet consensus says VWP will ruin your cornies why you asking on the internet?
Because it could be complete nonsense like someone having that experience with some other chlorine product and outside of 300 series grade of SS, then starting an old wives tale.
As the big man himself once said...
Probably not you now 😂
I'll put a lot more faith in what people say here because I've been on this forum a while and trust that the advice from others' experiences is genuine. Big difference from some other random blog/forum that I have no interaction with.