Do you really have an option? I now use a brewing fridge/freezer and can control the temperature quite accurately, however when I started my only control was where it was placed in the kitchen, I had a stick on thermometer which changed colours in 2ðC steps, the central heating turned off at night, and 40 pints is quite a mass, so it would stay some where between night and day temperatures, placing a body warmer over the fermenter after first day would in the Winter keep it a little warmer, the air lock would stick out of the neck.
OK today my brew is more consistent, but the old method still worked, the down side was did not really know how long it would take, today with temperature control I can say it takes 21 days, but back in the old days, anywhere between a week and two months, so the hydrometer was important if you wanted speed, I also had a well sealed fermenter so air lock activity was a good indicator, today inside the freezer compartment don't use an air lock not enough height just a rubber bung lightly sitting in the hole. The door on freezer stops anything reaching the fermenter anyway.
I still use old plastic pop bottles, mainly as only need 12 bottles when time to bottle, but in early days it was good to be able to feel the bottle without needing to open one, so if you make an error and bottle too early you know about it, and can do something, release pressure or return to fermenter. Better than a bottle bomb. Oh and even with 2 litre bottles still only half a spoon of sugar to prime.
In the first 3 days temperature is important, too low and the alcohol is slow to form so can get infection, two high and taste changes so aiming for the lower end of the temperature range published, but once that first 3 days is over, too low it stalls for a time, but no real damage, and too high would need to be really high to do any damage, so likely by time you read this it will not really matter, after the first 3 days all the temperature does is change how long it needs to stay in fermenter.
OK once your really into beer brewing you will do things like cold crashing, but as first brew no real need to worry, if the room temperature is good for you to live in, then also good for brew, it likes the same temperature as us. OK there are exceptions but for first brew just take it easy and enjoy.