First TC ON THE GO !!!!!

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Not checked temp yet but down to about 0.130.

Wrapped it in a sleeping blanket and see how it goes
Wrapped it in a big blanket last night, its down now to about 1.022.

Also checked the temperature which was 64 so 17/18ish

COuple of days should be i think
Phil R said:
Wrapped it in a big blanket last night, its down now to about 1.022.

Also checked the temperature which was 64 so 17/18ish

COuple of days should be i think

I think it will take more than that. I would argue to leave at the very least an extra week (although you can leave it without racking it off for 4 to 6 weeks withouth any problems)
alphacento said:
Phil R said:
Wrapped it in a big blanket last night, its down now to about 1.022.

Also checked the temperature which was 64 so 17/18ish

COuple of days should be i think

I think it will take more than that. I would argue to leave at the very least an extra week (although you can leave it without racking it off for 4 to 6 weeks withouth any problems)

Oh yeah of course im not gonna finish it early, ill wait as long as needs be

what FG do you reckon i stop at ?
Checked this again last night and it was at 1.002

Think its deffo because of the temperature in there under the stairs.

Will check again tonight hopefull be atounr the 1 mark and if so ill bottle it
All bottled up, got 42 500ml bottles and 3.5 litres in various plastic bottles

Now to start planning my next one, thinking its gonna be the Polish syrup TC
Hi, hopefully someone can clear this one up for me.

From reading forum posts especially for TC, I get the impression people are regularly dipping the hydrometer in to take readings. I was thinking isn't it a lot of hassle to keep sterilising the hydrometer, or do people not bother?

I thought about just taking a sample, but I guess its the same issue in that the container you take a sample with should be sterilised, or am I being over cautious? And if you kept taking samples out you wouldn't end up with much of a brew by the end of it.
I never bother. I know the sugar content of the juice I use so I know how strong it'll end up. The only question is when to syphon from the demi to the bottles. After the first one (or two), you can tell from the colour when it's /just/ a day short of being completely clear, and I bottle it then. Final clearing happens in the bottles. If I waited that extra day it should still carbonate in the bottles, but I like to be extra sure there's enough live yeast left to do the job.
evanvine said:
oldbloke said:
The only question is when to syphon from the demi to the bottles
My rule of thumb, for what it's worth, is after 10 days of ferment.

Yeh, I don't bother even looking at them before 9 days. I've had a few slower ones (than 10 days). Depends on the yeast and temperature.
I'm getting a build up of yeast on the newly bottled one. Has something gone wrong ?
Not really. There's always some live yeast left, and it will settle out on the bottom of your bottles. If there's an excessive amount you maybe bottled a bit early. Just be careful when you pour, so not too much gets into the glass.
Well that's more than I'd like, but not bad.
OTOH the cider doesn't look very clear (can you do a pic with the light behind the bottle?)
Maybe you went early.
It'll be fine though - those bottles can take an awful lot of pressure (and you can slack the lid to let some gas out if worried)
giraffe said:
Hi, hopefully someone can clear this one up for me.

From reading forum posts especially for TC, I get the impression people are regularly dipping the hydrometer in to take readings. I was thinking isn't it a lot of hassle to keep sterilising the hydrometer, or do people not bother?

I thought about just taking a sample, but I guess its the same issue in that the container you take a sample with should be sterilised, or am I being over cautious? And if you kept taking samples out you wouldn't end up with much of a brew by the end of it.

I use a turkey baster. I usually test the SG at the start, and again when it stops. my recent wine stopped, and it was only by using the hydrometer that I realised that the SG was still 1.070 (that and when I drank the sample it was very sweet!)

generally it doesn't hurt being left too long.

an idea would be, once you think it's ready to bottle, put it somewhere high up, like on a table, leave it for a couple of days, then rack into another container, then leave for another couple of days, and see if there's sediment, if not, bottle, otherwise you could rack again.