First kit brew

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Brewing without a hat
Nov 8, 2012
Reaction score
Ilkley, West Yorkshire
I did my first kit brew last night - a Woodforde's Wherry bought for £18 at Wilkinson. Everything went well and was straightforward so I won't go into detail. But there was one minor thing that others may be able to advise me on.

I have 2 FVs, one with a tap. Into this one I put 25L of water with half a campden tablet to remove the chlorine. This was on the kitchen worktop. The other FV was on the floor and I emptied the malt cans into this. I then topped this up to 23L by turning on the tap in the high FV. This splashed into the low FV (and over the floor) and made the wort nicely aerated which is obviously very good for the yeast. However, it meant that when I took the sample for the hydrometer there was so much foam in the trial jar that I couldn't read the OG. I left the jar for a while while I pitched the yeast and sorted out the airlock. In the end the foam subsided enough for me to take a reading but it meant I had to waste some wort - I have quite a large trial jar (it's the alla one).

So in the end the wort was OG 1042 at 20C which was perfect for my hydrometer and good for the yeast.

So any tips for avoiding the frothy hydrometer sample? Since aerating the wort is a good thing should I just live with this or is there a better way to do it? If I am aiming for a specific OG and so need to take several samples the froth just makes it hard work.
Get a thinner trial jar....

Mix all your ingredients in the vessel your going to ferment in doesn't need a tap just a good lid.
Mix and stir well ( the old advice is do it till your arm aches )
take a sample using a turkey baster into your trial jar and drop in hydrometer, top up the trial jar with wort until its full, let it settle for a minute. then gently blow across the surface to remove the small amount of foam. take reading. replace sample back into vessel, add yeast and off you go.
Couple of thoughts. I write off the trial jar sample when putting the brew together. Only a small amount. I also use bottled water so straight into the fv on top of the wort. The splashing as it pours out the bottles airates nicely. Just to be sure i give it a vigourous stir.

piddledribble said:
Get a thinner trial jar....
I might check out my lhbs for this.

piddledribble said: up the trial jar with wort until its full, let it settle for a minute. then gently blow across the surface to remove the small amount of foam. take reading. replace sample back into vessel, add yeast and off you go.
Sounds like an easy solution too.

Thanks for the advice.
rpt said:
piddledribble said:
Get a thinner trial jar....
I might check out my lhbs for this.

piddledribble said: up the trial jar with wort until its full, let it settle for a minute. then gently blow across the surface to remove the small amount of foam. take reading. replace sample back into vessel, add yeast and off you go.
Sounds like an easy solution too.

Thanks for the advice.

Wilkinsons sell the trial jars for about £2 :thumb:
rpt said:
simonlpearce said:
Wilkinsons sell the trial jars for about £2 :thumb:
Not all of them though. The one I use near work only has the 1m range. :(

I think you can order online through the Wilkinson website with a delivery (for free) to a store of your choice.
Ikea sell one occasionally a tall thin GLASS single flower vase, last time I saw it. it was priced at £2
kentmark said:
I think you can order online through the Wilkinson website with a delivery (for free) to a store of your choice.

I could but it's probably easier to visit the LHBS instead. I've been in there a few times for advice so it's probably time I bought something.
I've just done my second kit brew (literally just sat down). I don't have a turkey baster (planning on buying one, but it'll be used for basting a turkey, and then it will be no good for brewing, as I bet the turkey juices are a bitch to clean out).

I just use a funnel and a ladle. I use the back of the ladle to clear the foam out of the way, and then take a ladle of it as a sample, pour it into the trial jar, pop hydrometer in, spin it round, walk away, get a bit of cleaning done for a minute, come back and take a reading
rpt said:
kentmark said:
I think you can order online through the Wilkinson website with a delivery (for free) to a store of your choice.

I could but it's probably easier to visit the LHBS instead. I've been in there a few times for advice so it's probably time I bought something.

If you've got one locally then all good :thumb:
Ukulele Kris said:
I've just done my second kit brew (literally just sat down). I don't have a turkey baster (planning on buying one, but it'll be used for basting a turkey, and then it will be no good for brewing, as I bet the turkey juices are a bitch to clean out).

LOL, I've got my own turkey baster, don't even keep it in the kitchen but in the garage in my box of home brew kit. Only comes out for trial jar time!
I need to get some vaseline for when I barrel my second brew I've just put in the FV this afternoon, so I think I may pop into Wilko's for it then, and get my turkey baster (or two, maybe) in time for Christmas/for future brews. At the same time, and just keep a stony face at the checkout
Wilkinsons sell the trial jars for about £2 :thumb:

I use the plastic tube my hydrometer came in. One turkey baster squirt and its full :thumb:

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