first extract questions

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Feb 9, 2013
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I'm planning on doing my first extract brew at the weekend.I only have a 15l pot at the mo(should have just bought the 19l and went maxi biab :( )however, i was just going to steep the grains in 10l of water then add the dme bring to a boil then add the hops at intervals then just top up to 23l in the fv.

250g crystal
3kg light dme
60g sazz at start of boil
15g tettnang 15 mins
15g tettnang at flame out

Could i do one 10l steep and boil with half the ingredients then the same again and sparge the two grain bags with 3l of water from the kettle to bring up to 23l?

Also would a 1/4 of a protoflac tab be advisable in each of the boils?

And is dry hopping with around 30g of mittlefruh over doing it with the hops?

Absolutely no problems with doing a 10l steep and boil and topping up. I used to do this when I extract brewed. I think doing two batches would be unnecessary and add loads of time to your brew day.

I'm not sure about the protofloc, I use them when doing AG batches but I'm not sure if they are needed for extract :?:

What style of beer are you brewing? I've not heard of mittlefruh before!
I'm going for a lager style-can ferment at about 12oc but can't lager just yet.

Hallertau mittlefruh

Maybe too many bitering hop ? i would keep the ibu around 25/30 and without putting into software 60g seems alot but i may be wrong.
This is all just kind of a guess,not sure about ibu's or the software and how to work all this out,would around 30g of the sazz do the trick?

I put the recipe as given through Brew Mate, and it showed me a beer of 4.8% and 23 IBU.
Is that with 60g of sazz and the double boil?
I know the double boil will take more time but will it give better results than just topping up in the fv?

if 23 ibu i would just stick 60 g in (if it was 23 ibu for 45g then 60g will be ok still , if 23 ibu for 60g then all's good . Have a go with the link i posted above and you can add ingredients yourself.
Thanks for all the help pittsy

Sorry but i don't see a link! :hmm:

oops sorry that was in another post , here is hopville . There are thousands of recipes , you can click on extract only or extract with grains or ag if you want and also remember to click metric as 5 US gallons = 18.9L not uk 23L and you can play around with ingredients and hops etc and it will give you an idea of what it will be like and if you are within profile style etc ..
Cheers pittsy and everyone else for your input.

Your hefweizen extract recipe is next on the brew list pittsy and i'll give the link a go tonight.
