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Baz Chaz said:
Slightly eccentric .............. mildly barking

These are personal traits :hmm:


but please feel free to use them yourselves :rofl:
And have realised where I wnt wrong now Forgot to take the temperature into account when using the hydrometer so should have let it get to around 0,.990 rather than 1.008 Doh!!!.

Will know for next time.
Tony said:
You can leave your lid on until it comes to the boil and it'll probably speed up the process a little.. but I never bother .. boil all them DMS's off ... nasty little bleeders
:hmm: Given the fact that DMS isn't really produced in vast amounts from pale malt, and the reaction converting SMM to DMS only really gets going above 40C and the boiling point of DMS is 34.5C actually getting rid of DMS in ales is not particularly difficult. I boil with a lid partially on for all bar the last 15 minutes of the boil and have no issues at all with DMS . . . it is a bit of an old wives tale in reality
Aleman said:
Given the fact that DMS isn't really produced in vast amounts from pale malt, and the reaction converting SMM to DMS only really gets going above 40C and the boiling point of DMS is 34.5C actually getting rid of DMS in ales is not particularly difficult. I boil with a lid partially on for all bar the last 15 minutes of the boil and have no issues at all with DMS . . . it is a bit of an old wives tale in reality

Once again... I stand corrected and learn something new!
Boil with the lid on?
I use the lid as a bit of temperature control. If it's boiling a bit slow I put the lid partially on, if it's boiling a bit hard I take the lid off. The lid never has less than a 2"gap, let's the nasties out but also let's me watch the boil.