First Ever Brew Tomorrow

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Bloody 'ell it's half twelve and no response :?

has the lad fallen into his mash tun :shock:

has Mrs EP found some urgent decorating to be done :cry:

come on EP the suspense is killing us :lol:
Sorry For no updates yesterday everyone.
As soon as I had finished and cleaned up we were out of the house for the rest of the day.

I will post some piccies this evening and give an update as THERE WERE A COUPLE OF THINGS!! that weren't perfect. but did have a great morning and can't wait for the next.
Easy Peasie said:
I will post some piccies this evening and give an update as THERE WERE A COUPLE OF THINGS!! that weren't perfect.

They can be sorted on the next brew :thumb:

Easy Peasie said:
........... but did have a great morning and can't wait for the next.

Excellent, the next ones going to be easier :thumb:

Mind you ...... we were beginning to think you'd fallen in your mash tun :whistle: :lol:
Have to say I am surprised and grateful for all the interest from everyone, have been really amazed to see how many other people are brewing and how helpful everyone is.

Cheers :cheers:
Laughing my socks off reading this!

Excellent... what a bunch of outstanding people you all are! Love it!

Glad you thought it was funny Tony.

Everything went really well yesterday no problems to speak of although I had increased my grain and hops pro rata for a 25l brew so had worked out that I needed about 38-39 litres of water for deadspaces evaporation etc, but the hydrometer reading during sparging had reached 1.008 way before the water had run out so I stopped sparging and started the boil and included the full amount of hops I had worked out.
After the boil I was left with just 19l of wort with a gravity of 1.065. I was worried that the amount of hops would make it too bitter so I have added 5l of cooled boiled water to make up the amount which will of course make it not as strong. Did I do right?


Hope the links work
Well done EP glad you didn't fall into your mash tun :thumb:

Easy Peasie said:
Did I do right?

You'll find out when you have your first AG pint .....

I'm willing to have a small wager you'll not be disappointed :cheers:

and won't be very long before AG#2 is on it's way :thumb:
Well done EP looks a nice set up you have there. Might need to slow the sparge down to extract more from the grains to improve efficiency but you did better than me on my first AG. :clap:
That must be where I was going wrong, thought it was a bit fast.
also can you leave the lid on the boiler until it gets up to the boil or should you leave it off all the time? :wha:
Easy Peasie said:
That must be where I was going wrong, thought it was a bit fast.
also can you leave the lid on the boiler until it gets up to the boil or should you leave it off all the time? :wha:

This should get an award for one of the best posts of the year! It seriously demonstrates what a wonderful bunch of people inhabit this place and how much they all care. Feels like a family!

You can leave your lid on until it comes to the boil and it'll probably speed up the process a little.. but I never bother .. boil all them DMS's off ... nasty little bleeders!

Well done EP!
Tony said:
............ This should get an award for one of the best posts of the year! It seriously demonstrates what a wonderful bunch of people inhabit this place and how much they all care. Feels like a family!

Slightly eccentric .............. mildly barking :D

but with a common interest :drink:

brilliant :cheers: