First brew

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Active Member
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Brighton, UK / Shropshire, UK
Hey everyone,

Just made my first brew, i added the yeast about two hours ago and have left it in a nice warm place...temp is showing about 24-25 degrees c. lid is firmly sealed and the air lock is on securely and correctly...question long should it take to start bubbling? Because at the moment it doesnt seem to be doing anything.
I was about to ask the same question. I put my 2nd brew on last night, with the first brew the vessel wasnt airtight as I had the aquarium heater on the bottom with the cable going under the lid, but this time I have the FV in a tray of water with the heater in that. No signs of bubbling in my airlock either, I was wondering if maybe the airtight seal on the lid was damaged with it being closed over the cable but maybe it will show signs of life soon (it has been on under 24hrs).
FV's are generally not airtight anyway dont worry about the lid just make sure you dont scratch the FV which is a breeding ground for nasties
will.brett said:
Ok so now i Have a new problem that is completely the oposite to the first. Now the brew is bubbling so much that it is displacing all the water in the airlock...what should i do?

Will I posted the same question yesterday about my airlock not bubbling and 24 hours later it is now bubbling away every 10 seconds.
I now have the same problem as you with water in the airlock being displaced, so it sounds like a normal thing to happen.

I will wait and see the replies from the good people on here but my 1st thought was to gently top up the water in the airlock with boiled water from the Kettle that had cooled. But like I say I will wait for advice from the guys on here.

What are you Brewing?
Mine is a St Peters Golden Ale :cheers:
Yes, while fermentation is going mad the airlock is not overly important as the yeast is producing so much CO2 there is a good blanket over the beer. As it calms down then you may want to worry about the airlock a bit more.

Personally I have never actually used an airlock so have no experience of them, I just leave my fermenters with the lid on loose so the gas can escape, but nothing horrible can fall in, i.e. cats, small children etc...
will.brett said:
Riccardo are you saying uh oh as in I have made a bad choice with this beer? or because its a kit?

I decided to do a kit as my first as i want to work my way up

Wherry will be fine. I have never doen it, but plenty have. I think the reason why there are lots of issues with this kit are that it comes as part of a starter kit, so it will be many people's very first one.

If there was a known problem with them then I assume Muntons would have to recall them.
No its a lovely beer dont get me wrong.
Its the Wherry kit famous throughout homebrew land for sticking have way through fermentation, then been a swine
to get going again.
Do a forum search for Wherry & you will see what I mean.
oh ok. Well currently its going very well, so fingers crossed. really i want to do all grain but dont have the funds or room for the extra equipment at the moment. But will be going back to shropshire in the next few weeks and we have a small scale brewery as my step dad is now doing teaching courses in brewing and bread making so hopefully going to get a few in depth lessons from him so that when i do come to do it I wont mess it up.
Which yeast did you use? Did you use the yeast supplied in the kit or a different one?