Greetings, and welcome to the forum :
I'll try to explain some of the numbers in a bit, but first I need to bounce some questions back at you:
Have you done some kit brewing already, or are you jumping straight to AG?
What are you using as a mash tun, does it have a tap and a strainer, what's its total volume and have you got your head around losses and dead spaces yet? If you haven't done so already, then I would recommend you read this
AG âHow Toâ Guide.
Using your figures in the Batch Sparge Calculator:
Brew length 25 litres
Loss to evaporation I've set at 15%, it will probably be higher but you can water it back.
Loss to hops & trub I've left at 1 litre, but will probably be higher according to boiler dead space.
Total grain 4.5kg
Water : grain ratio 2.5 : 1
Total water volume 36.1 litres
Calculated wort volume 30.6 litres
You want to end up with 25 litres so the calculator says 30.6 needs to go into the boiler because you're going to lose 1 litre to absorption by hops and boiler dead space and the rest is going to boil away.
Calculator works on the basis that your grain is going to absorb 1 litre per kilogram = 4.5 litres + 1 litre of mash tun dead space, so that's where the extra 5.5 litres goes.
Calculator wants you to do two batches of 15.3 litres, so that's 20.8 litres of water for batch #1 (20.8 needs to go in because only 15.3 is going to come out).
Your mash volume is given as 11.2 litres (around 76°C) which is 4.5kg x 2.5
After the (usually) 90 minute mash you open the tun and add a top-up of 9.6 litres (also around 76°C)
Give it a gentle stir, see that âHow Toâ about recirculating first runnings, and then drain the tun to an FV.
Second batch of water then goes on to the grain in the tun (possibly slightly hotter than before, someone else need to advise here) but that is 15.3 in giving 15.3 out because your losses have already been taken care of. Give it a stir, let it stand for a few minutes, recirculate first runnings and drain tun.
It sounds complicated but will make sense when you try it.
If your tun isn't that big you could do three batches of 10.2 litres
First = 11.2 mash + 4.5 top-up = 15.7 in, 10.2 out
Second and third batches 10.2