It appears you left out kettle finings which are an important addition. Boiling produces large clumps of what is hot break, in the hot break are proteins and nitrogen which interact with carbohydrates and polyphenols. The kettle finings help enormously in clumping everything that you
don't want in the fermenter.
The clarity in your photos shows that the proteins didn't clump together and sink as they should they are even in the hydrometer sample tube which could also indicate that your gravity reading could be lower than the 1,030-2 OG.
If after the boil you had left it cooling even for another hour the undesirable elements that you want to avoid going into the fermenter would drop out. Clear wort into the fermenter transforms to clear, clean wort out. I don't know if you did but always take your gravity reading from the fermenter, not the kettle.
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