First Attempt

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Active Member
Sep 25, 2011
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After lurking on these forums for ages trying to learn as much as I could I thought it was high time to stop just thinking about it and get brewing.

My first brew was meant to be a Timothy Taylor Clone out of Graham Wheelers book, here's a few pics of how it went...


The Wife thought I was mad making labels for the ingredients but i was paranoid about getting things mixed up.


All the malt in and frothing up nicely


First hop addition


Chiller in 30 minutes from end of boil (N.B many thanks to Big Yin for the excellent how to on building a twin coil chiller :thumb: )


Cooling nicely


Airating the wort. (N.B I didn't really need the strainer my home made hop filter did a great job but as I said I was feeling a little paranoid...)


Yeast Pitched and FV tucked away under the stairs.

OG was 1046 and after 10 days it had gone down to 1016 I left it alone for a couple of days more but it wouldn't budge any more so I racked it off into my King Keg.

Time passes :whistle:

Slowly :whistle:

Very very slowly :whistle: :whistle:

Eventually, after kicking my heels for another month.....

Looks like beer, smells like beer and tastes.... Bl**dy Gorgeous :D

Even though I say so myself I am mightily impressed. So it's not exactly the TTL I was trying for but what the hell, it's my first attempt and it's even got a big thumbs up from the wife which can only bode well for the future... Now where are the those plans for that home made mash tun... ;)

Finally I'd like to send a massive thank you to all the contributors to these forums. Without whom I would have thought all home brew was like the miserable stuff my dad used to try and make from kits back in the 70's and I wouldn't have had the most enjoyable time I've had for ages. Thanks.

Congrats on your first brew. I would like to have a go my self, but with living so close to Thwaites i doubt the wife would let me, as the smell from the brewery knocks her sick.
Looks like a lovely pint there, hopemy first kitbrew is as sucessful.

Congratulations on a cracking brew if it tastes as good as it looks your on a winner....carry on brewing.
BlakenhallBrewer said:

Chiller in 30 minutes from end of boil (N.B many thanks to Big Yin for the excellent how to on building a twin coil chiller :thumb: )

Very glad it helped you :drink: and it looks like you've done a top job making it :thumb:

Congratulations on your first brew - here's to many more :cheers:
That looks better than my third brew. And you went straight on in with hops and stuff I don't understand (I just used kits).



Looks like you have made a very good start, but there is always plenty more to learn, ;) .
The options are now endless. :D
Happy brewing

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