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New Member
Nov 22, 2009
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Bought and Woodforde Wherry Microbrewery kit. Sterilised all the gear and started the first fermentation off on Wednesday. It's now Sunday and it doesnt appear to be doing much. There was a slight head but virtually no bubbling.

I've moved it to a warmer room to see if that makes any difference

Advice gratefully received!


id check the gravity and then again in a couplr of days to see if its falling you should have a gravity reading on the instructions with the kit
some yeasts give head :oops: some don't I have had brews that look like nothing is going on but when I took readings it definately was
It's Thursday now so the brew has been sitting there for a week. Still no action - no bubbling or head to speak of.

Measured it on Sun with the hydrometer read 1.015 - and measured it today and it's still the same

Help please!
I don't do kits so I can't be specific.
I am going to guess that your OG was around 1040.
Your gravity is now 1015 so fermentation has occured and its dropped 25 points.
This would give you an ABV of 3.4%.
A good session beer but I think it may be a tad sweet!
What does it taste like?
jstanton8869 said:
It's Thursday now so the brew has been sitting there for a week. Still no action - no bubbling or head to speak of.

Measured it on Sun with the hydrometer read 1.015 - and measured it today and it's still the same

Help please!
It's finished :thumb:
It may not be exactly where you wanted it to be, but it'll still be a good pint ;)
It may drop a couple more points over the next few day though, so leave it 'til Sunday and then keg or bottle it :thumb:
Unfortunately Wherry kits have a history of doing this, chalk this one up to experience and either use a different yeast than the one supplied with the kit and aerate well or try a different kit for your next brew :)
I never tried any of the dearer kit beers but I do like good malty beer. It takes longer to mature such brews but they do improve greatly with the keeping. If you don't have a barrel though it's always a bit of a guessing game when to bottle a brew that's rich in malt as you don't really know when it will stop. There could be nonfermentable sugars in it and it may never get much below 10. I'd put it into the pressure barrel and keep it warm enough to be fermenting still for a good week and see if you're getting any head of pressure. Looks like a malty brew that will need at least a couple of months to come into its own.
I take it your place is warm enough because such brews really need a good warm steady temperature.

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