First all grain brew day in the bag.

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Jun 9, 2022
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Hi all.
Long time lurker and kit brewer I thought I give all grain a go.
Picked up a Landlord Clone kit from the Farnborough home brew shop.

They don't give the recipie so I wasn't able to work out the water profile so just used my tap with campden tablet to get rid of the nasties.

The water spec given was to much for my kit. I'm using a converted 30l Burco with a recirc pump and put the grains in a biab inside a foodgrade bucket with holes drilled to make like a grain basket

So I added 24l of water but forgot the grain swells oops. Quickly hived 5l into a bucket.
Had issues with the mash water getting through the grain bed so had to re arrange the bag but we manged the 90m mash no problem.

I then lifted the bucket with a pulled I'd installed and sparged with water warmed in my smaller Burco to about 3 inches from the top having added what I'd taken out earlier.
Once done,off for the boil for 60 mins following the timings for hops and fining tablet.
Then outcome the homemade counter flow wort chiller. Ran some stars san through it and the hooked it up, chucked the first jug and let it circ at 90 degrees for a bit before turning the water on and it soon came down to around 20 degrees.

Then decanted into the fermzilla but my OG was a bit high at 1.052. Kits says 1.042. So using the measured out cooled water in the burco I topped up to get to 1.042

Temp was all good so yeast pitched and I've set the spundy to full vent until it gets going.
One question I had is quite a lots of the clumped proteins seem to have in the wort come out into the FV. Is this normal for AG or should it have stayed in the Mash Tun? I didn't totally empty it and left lots of dregs in the bottom.
First picture is just after I landed the fermzilla in the fridge and the second is a few mins later when it had settled??
Am I going to end up with a load of waste at the bottom
Overall if this makes beer. I had a hoot and learnt loads for next time.
Just a big shout to all the posters on here who have helped with questions along the way.


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Few more images.
Pre boil SG 1.039
Post boil SG 1.052
Final SG in FV 1.041/2 as per kit instructions.


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I've never used a clear fermenter but it looks normal as you can see all the stuff moving around inside my bucket then it soon settles down to the bottom after a few days.
Hi all.
Long time lurker and kit brewer I thought I give all grain a go.
Picked up a Landlord Clone kit from the Farnborough home brew shop.

They don't give the recipie so I wasn't able to work out the water profile so just used my tap with campden tablet to get rid of the nasties.
I find it annoying that they don't give the recipe as I like to put it into brewfather. That said, I dod their summer lightning which turned out lovely.

I hope you enjoyed brewday.
Yeah. I'd probably do Malt Miller or CML kit next. I just needed some bits for my beergun and whilst I was there thought fudge it let's do this.
It's bubbling away this morning so something is happening.

Anyone know how well grain and hops keep if I were to buy ready crushed and make my own recepie up?
Yeah. I'd probably do Malt Miller or CML kit next. I just needed some bits for my beergun and whilst I was there thought fudge it let's do this.
It's bubbling away this morning so something is happening.

Anyone know how well grain and hops keep if I were to buy ready crushed and make my own recepie up?
I have some crushed grains that I have had for a couple of years. Maybe but ideal but they are kept in airtight bags and are nice and dry.
To be honest, I use the recipe builder on Malt Miller site now and they send the exact amounts, and that works well for me.
Hi @Jiffy176 . Glad you enjoyed your brew day. I cool my wort in the boiler and then leave it for an hour or so to settle before transferring to my fermentation bucket. Also add half a protofloc tablet for the last 15 minutes of the boil to help clearing the crud.
Ah that's handy to know. I cooled it using the counter flow back into the kettle a bit like a grainfather does and did at the protfloc tablets at 10 mins.
I think where I went wrong was using the pump to pump most of the wort out and I didn't let it rest, once cooled it went straight in the fermenter.
Probably should have left it a bit whilst I disconnected the chiller and then drained straight out the front tap rather than via the tap. Oh and don't be a tight arse and try and get too much wort out from the kettle.
Still all good fun and I got the OG expected which was cool.