Finlandia Kit v Coopers

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Active Member
May 15, 2011
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Hi All.

I posted a question a few months ago if anyone had tried making a Finlandia kit and got (generally) negative responses.
Most people were of the opinion that they are cheaper because they are inferior. (I mentioned in the post that I usually brewed coopers kits.)

Ignoring that (naturally) I went ahead and brewed the Finlandia lager with 500g spraymalt and 500g brewing sugar.

The verdict?? This kit is every bit as good as any coopers kit I've made but at least £2.50 cheaper.

My question - what is the difference between a kit that is priced say £13 and one priced £9 - apart from the branding???
(As I can't taste the difference!)
Good ? dermy

Being a kit brewer myself I've mainly used coopers because they tend to
get good reviews & that's wot I'm looking for but saying that I like to tweek
my brews with for instance using hops & the fact that you use spray malts
that alone will make any kit taste better I never use brewing sugar I guess
wot ever kit u use be it cheap or expensive if it tastes **** you won't buy it again


I hear what you're saying but I suppose what I'm asking is - Is a coopers brew a better brew than a Finlandia (or other cheaper - allegedly inferior brand) can or is it a simple case of better promotion and better imagery on the part of Coopers.
I've made a few coopers kits with brewing sugar only and they were very ordinary.
I haven' t been brewing for all that long (about a year now) so I'm not sure exactly what goes into a can of "Kit Beer" but judging by my new found experience of Finlandia I'm beginning to think it's a case of SAXA FLOWING TABLE SALT compared to ASDA's OWN SALT.....both salt (and salt is just salt) both one is A LOT cheaper.
Anyway, that's my two bob's worth.
Hope someone has some insight (or knowledge...which I lack!)

as far as know saxa uses high quality sea salt from a uninhabited lagoon in the Indian ocean & asda uses rock salt from moss side Manchester :grin:

seriously coopers claim to have reaped the world of the best ingredients & therefore you or us have to pay for the privilege of there hard work

I think u get wot u pay for like u say salt is salt but Levis is better George

Nice analogy Chris lol

..but you seem to be supporting my point - as we all know Levi ISNT better that are simply paying for the label! Which brings me back to my original point - is Coopers just a better branded label??
Just to be clear - I am a HUGE Coopers fan - I must have made 20 batches or various coopers beers this past year (I know what you're thinking...this guy needs to go to AA).
It just seems to me that MAYBE we are paying for the label.
I have been brewing with kits for a few years and have found that the higher priced kits are better, but it is all about individual tastes. I have used muntons range with their spray malt also added hops, and for slightly darker beers, roasted barley and crystal malt, I think that there is no definite way of brewing beer just brew what feels right and log all the ingrediants and brewing times / procedures.
I have not brewed the same beer twice in 40 odd years
its a challenge, write down the basics and enjoy

Mick Holmes
Mick I hate to be a stickler but you said the expensive ones are better - however, as I'm sure you agree the "kit beer" trade has inprove greatly since you started brewing.
I understand what you mean about trying different things and recording what you like so I suppose I'm not really directing my original question at you. I suppose my question is directed at those brewers (like myself) who brew firstly as a hobby but a close secondly as a way of saving money.
Don't get me wrong -I wouldn't brew if it tasted like a dogs ass (not that I've sampled that!) but I am beginning to suspect that "can kits" are "much of a muchness" and that are overpaying for a label.
I'd love someone to give me a "I've Done both" comparison and tell me one is better thsn then other.
Hi Dermy
When I say the more expensive ones are better, it is my opinion that this applies to basic kits, without adding other ingredients, when adding hops or malts etc to a basic kit your can adapt it to your taste, I cannot compare both Finlandia or Coopers as I have have not tried these, I have brewed (for the Wife) Finlandia Cider and She compared it to Black Rock Cider the result was Black Rock Nice and Sharp (dry) Finlandia darker and sweet.
Home Brewing is a hobby to enjoy, the results are very rewarding if it turns out ok, if not must try again :D :D
Interesting thread Dermy. My local shop is selling a few Findlandia lager and bitter kits for £7 clearout. I'm thinking on trying either or both with 1kg DME and small quantity of dextrose. I like to get a bargain and add quality additions. Personally, I'm torn between enjoying this hobby despite my beer costing nearly the same as you can get at the supermarket and enjoying the hobby due to a beer costing less. Whilst I don't disregard words of wisdom from more experienced brewers, I also don't follow what may be 'beer snobbery' when some say one kit is superior to another. I think it's a matter of opinion, though to be fair, I haven't paid out for higher priced kits so can't really say.
I can't comment on the finlandia vs coopers... But, having only brewed single can kits before (coopers, geordie, young's, better brew), just recently (well, just over a month back), I brewed a two can woodfordes wherry... The difference in taste between the 2 was amazingly different imo. The wherry was a much fuller bodied beer (even though I've use dme and brewing sugar mixtures before). It also had a much better, crisper taste, imo. For the small difference (once you bought a dme), I would say the 2 can kits are well worth it from this taster... I just gotta finish all the other bargains I got from tesco first :p

Anyway, all that, to say, you prolly do get a little better for paying more (but can't say exactly in this case, as finlandia may be making less profit compared to coopers, who knows?!)
think coopers kits in Australia are very cheap compared to what we pay. the price increase will be with the shipping costs i would say.
Ive done one finlanda kit to date. it was the dark ale one made up with kit enhancer. after a month in the bottle it was a really nice drink and i would definitely make it again.
mickthetrick said:
think coopers kits in Australia are very cheap compared to what we pay. the price increase will be with the shipping costs i would say.
Ive done one finlanda kit to date. it was the dark ale one made up with kit enhancer. after a month in the bottle it was a really nice drink and i would definitely make it again.

When i was in Sydney at Xmas, i purchased a Coopers Stout in Kmart. It was only $10, which was about £7 uk.
They had other types of kits, and was no more than $13.99 so £10-£11 for the more expensive ones.

I think with coopers you are paying for the marketing and advertising!