Filtering after adding hops

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Active Member
May 6, 2020
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Hi all.

Some great advise on here so firstly a big thanks to all.

So here we go.

Brew 2 complete, a Young's American IPA.

I'm contemplating how to filter out that hop debris.
The hops are supposed to go into the brew just 2 or 3 days before bottling or adding to the keg for the final 2 weeks brew with sugar.

I've found with brew no.2 ignore the keg, but mix with sugar in the keg and transfer immediately into bottles.

I've opened one bottle after 2 weeks of allowing co2 to build and WOW... propper head on my beer. Left a little in the bottle and this morning yep there's sediment.

When I transfer to the keg, I use a clean pillow case, soaked and rinsed with cleaning solution to filter the hops.

I'm thinking of a finer filter. Or even 2 or 3 filtering processes.

Any thoughts ?
For dry hopping you either chuck the hops in as they are and rely on gravity and a perhaps a crash cool period at the end to drop most or all of the hops. Rapping the side of the FV at the liquid /headspace interface also helps. And if you siphon, fitting a small nylon mesh sock over the inlet end of the siphon tube should filiter out the hops. Or alternatively you use a nylon or muslin bag, with or without weights in which you place the hops, and they are then contained within it during the dry hop period. If you Google 'dry hop bag' you will see what is required, most homebrew suppliers will sell them.
More here
Thanks terrym. I think a sack for the hops might be best although I seem to remember reading that the flavours distribute best when added directly.

A nylon mesh sock, would that be finer a filter than a pillow case?

I'm thinking,
1. Pillow case.
2. ?
3. Coffee filter paper cartridge
Best I can do..... are a well used supplier by forum members)
Tie one over the end of your siphon tube this time.
Next time use one or two as a hop bag. The difference between using a bag and not using a bag is is marginal in my view. I've done both
And personally I would put up with a few hops bits rather than use a pillow case and risk contaminating my brew. And filtering through a coffee filter paper will stand a good chance of oxidising your beer.

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