Fermentation not started ??

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New Member
Nov 13, 2013
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Having just bottled my first ever brew which is the "Festival Father Hooks" ale i decided to get a second on the go and went for the "Woodfords Admiral Reserve" Trouble is after 5 hours theres no bubbles coming through the air lock and the water in there is level in both the chambers. Fermentation doesnt seem to have started at all. The fesival kit started fermenting straight away so im now worried at the woofords seeming to be dead.

I did everything to the instructions apart from there being no mention of the hop powder packet. It did say on the packet though to add prior to the yeast which i did. I made sure the wort wasnt too hot and added the hop powder gave it a stir and then added the yeast. Gave it a final stir and sealed it up.

Am i just being a bit impatient? do i have a faulty batch? or did i do something wrong?

Any thoughts on this please guys?
Thanks, Rob.
i think just needs some time to start..... my pils tooked a night to start and i m looking at it, and its bubbling like hell.... but, check if you have a lid, or if your airlock is tight in the hole....and be calm, just give it time....airlock is not the best friend to check a beer fermentation...checked tomorrow if has a nice krausen ;)

Robd said:
Am i just being a bit impatient?

Yep, the tops of normal FV's are not usually air tight so in order to get the airlock going it has to be fermenting away quite vigorously and to be honest its not uncommon for there to be no sign of life for much longer than 5 hours. Generally I'm pitching yeast at about noon and I don't check until bed time, sometimes its not showing signs of going but when I get up the following day its generally going great guns and that's with 11g packet yeasts when most kits come with 5g.

I'm sure it will be fine, just leave it until morning and have another look.
Thanks peeps, i needn't have worried though. The air lock is bubbling like a good un now :D

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