Feckin Wind

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Jul 30, 2008
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What a morning we had. I have two fences down, some guttering and drian pipes. :(


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Oh-No :eek: :eek: :eek:
Concrete posts next time and panels that the wind can blow through?? that's what I did. :thumb:

Jesus! That is bad. I managed to lose the entire contents of a bin in the car park at work today. Gave up chasing empty bags around after a while. We barely got it compared to most places too!
thats my leccy just back on at 5pm! just aswell i had nothing fermenting or it would have bn frozen into a big beery iceberg.
I didn't realise you were out for so long. I heard that Gowkhall was still without power tonight.
I appreciate it's nothing like as bad as that down here, but I've had my fence blow down too. Then the neighbours. And their neighbours. etc.

At least power and other services are ok unlike some other parts of the UK.
D have you looked at Colour fence? Steel fencing that never needs painting and rated to 130mph it's more expensive than wood but think of all the times you won't need to paint it! Had our 100ft run done for two years now and nothing wrong with it yet!
we had proper wind. garden trampolines doing summersaults, wheeley bins overtaking cars etc. About 15 miles up the road wind recorded at 93MPH, thats 10 MPH faster than my landrover will go
For anyone who can afford them, i would recomend concrete posts every time, we put our fence up about 10 years ago and used posts that a council or industry would use and its never budged since, we looked at the wickes range but were put off when we saw there were 3 on a shelf and two were broken, nuff said, Dave
Thats bad im in devon so didnt get much just some rubbish blowing around and electric chicken fence was down.
Well my fences survived, but they are the kind that wind can get through - vertical wooden slats with gaps between them - and a lot of it is only about 5 or 6 years old that I put in. Wooden uprights set into concrete. Have stood up to loads of abuse from the weather :mrgreen:

Only downside is of course having to keep the painting up, and with the gaps I don't dare try any of the sparyers for fear of painting my neighbours' conservatory or cars :lol:
BigYin said:
I don't dare try any of the sparyers for fear of painting my neighbours' conservatory or cars :lol:

I sprayed our fence a few years back on what I thought was a perfectly calm and wind free day.

It was only the following weekend when I washed the wifes once white car I realised it hadn't been quite as calm and wind free as I had thought. I took me hours with the polish getting all the little brown spots off.