Ah, maybe not then.....Aren't they supposed to park in plain sight?
Cheers Tom
Ah, maybe not then.....
https://blog.howdeninsurance.co.uk/mobile-speed-cameras/#:~:text=It's important to note that,speed limit at all times.
Cheers Tom
Police can hide fixed or mobile cameras wherever they like.
They found they didn'tsave enough livescollect enough money when they made them hi-viz!
And they reckon the potholes are bad now!
I looked that film up...1937.
And of course, as he is breaking the law bu being on the pavement, he has no right to prosecute you for breaking the speed limit.
If you do get one, they work both ways, if you get stopped for anything the police can look at footage and if you have been speeding they will use that footage to do you, that also record people talking in the car. i have 2 one front one rear, the rear really does stop people tail gatingThe more i see stuff like this and videos of idiots brake checking or jumping on car bonnets to do you for uninsurance the more i am thinking of getting a cheap dashcam.
We have 360 degree permanently recording cameras in the wagons at work and they have saved a few drivers getting done for knocking mirrors off cars and bumping into cars in the past.