Failed coopers IPA kit

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Junior Member
Mar 31, 2016
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This one has been a nightmare.
First it was an old one can kit with yeast. that I added a kilo of dextrose to. OG 1.036. It failed to start within 24 hours so I dumped a jar of mostly yeast trub from a saison into it and it did get going after that - but stopped again well short of target at 1.030 10 days later. A dose of DAP and another packet of yeast got it going again and at day 15 added dry hop. It limped on and finished very low at 1.004 at day 30 and actually tasted good at this stage and calc'ed 4.2% Fermented at 23 degrees C in a brew fridge throghout.
I kegged it with 90g of table sugar, but now after 6 days in there it has carbonated but the taste has gained a TCP taste and is not what I would want to drink.

I've now had two duff brews in succession. One was my stress when I was rushed and poured a jug of sanitiser into it thinking it was water. This one I am sure is down to using an old kit and not having a back-up plan.

Is this from the old yeast trub, stressed yeast or the pellet hops being in there too long? Or an infection?
TCP taste,I think,is chlorine from your tap water.
Depends, I got the same flavour from a wild yeast infection a couple of times. Stank of tobacco during fermentation. I know this as I used RO water and no chlorine products for cleaning. wink...
I'm thinking it is a wild yeast infection as it wasn't there when I had a taste before it went in the keg and is the first time it's tasted like this. Maybe it took a while to become noticeable.
It was an old kit anyway so no great loss. I just wanted to prevent it happening again. I do use bleach solution to clean but always give it a double rinse with boiling water after that.
It went down the sink today. sick...
1004 is very low for a non-specialised yeast in my experience. I've never got that low even with yeasts known for high attenuation, sounds like something else might have got in there.
Have got a cider kit on the go for now and doing well. PB has has a good clean and is now drying out and I've changed the CO2 port to a new shiny one too. Old alloy one was corroded - maybe it lurked in that.
Better luck next time I hope.

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