Extract Smells Great!!

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Quantum freak

Active Member
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
Hey all

I did my first extract brew on Saturday, a spitfire clone.

All went well except the first day of fermenting I was keeping it too warm :oops: all good now though at 18-20c.

Anyway, SG was 1.050 and when I took another gravity reading today it was 1.014 :thumb:

I dont know about you but that seems pretty good to me? Its still fermenting too, slowly, but still active.

The only other brew I have done was a Wherry which Im still drinking, but I have to say, although nice, the smell of the Wherry in the FV was not a patch on this extract!! It smells Amazing :thumb:

Do extracts normally smell this good compared to a kit?


I noticed a massive difference in the aroma. I made a lager clone and it smelled fantastic from the get go.
I recently made a partial extract, boiled the DME with 20g Cascade hops for approx. 20mins and added 10g post boil to steep for 15mins. I added this to a Coopers real ale kit and it tasted/smelled amazing when transferring to a pressure barrel.
Exactly the hop profile I was looking for :D
Wait till you smell an all grain brew :whistle: :whistle:

The Darkside awaits you young Padawans :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
One day GA when I have the time and space ;)
It is definitely something I would like to try at some point.
GA, I reckon it wont be long, considering I have only ever done one "kit" brew before moving to an Extract!!!!

I dont hang around me :lol:

I like control, thats what it is :grin:

No seriously though, it does smell sooooo much better than the kit brew, its not even in the same league!

Im very much looking forward to supping this one :drink:

All grain does smell great, theres nothing quite like making beer from scratch, the colour and smell that you get is incredible