Yes i did read the thread actually-am i not allowed to express my opinion
Where have i said you are not allowed to express your opinion, you may have read the thread but you obviously haven't taken anything in or you suffer from selevtive memory, your sweeping statement "Plus you cannot put them out when they catch fire" proves that!
Feel free to go through my post and tell me if you honestly think your statement "we do not have the infrastructure to install charging points as cables will require upgrading" is fact or fiction bearing in mind we are not all going to scrap our ICE cars next year and move to EV and 70% of us could charge from home if we did!
A quick summary -
Only 15% of new cars sold in March in the UK were EV thre is no need to carpet bomb the country with public chargers.
70% of UK residents have off street parking so no need to use public (expensive) chargers unless they plan to do 200 - 300 miles a day .
The 30% who do not have off street parking are highly unlikely to buy an EV due to having nowhere to charge at the cheapest tariff so will carry on buying a new ICE car until 2035 or a second hand one until many years after when they become rare and expensive.
Look at the stats below the majority of us do not drive every day and the vast majority of those that do during week days commute so the car is sat doing nothing most of the day, they are not mobile phones they do not need topping up every time you stop, there is no issue with charging as EV become more popular more chargers will become available even Tesla are now allowing other brands to use their chargers this charger scaremongering has been dreamt up by the anti EV lot to try to persuade fence sitters its a bad move to buy one, there is plenty of evidence out there if people can be bothered to look.
As for the guy in the video my heart bleeds £87,000 (if google is correct) he should have bought a car that has good reviews and has a decent second hand market, his number plate sums it up