Efficiency Calculation Help

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Active Member
Jun 22, 2010
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Hi All

I would like to know what my Mash efficiency and boil details are from the following recipe and brewday

The mash section

Maris Otter Malt - 3.220 kg
Pale Crystal Malt - 0.170 kg

11.7 litres of strike water and 20 litres of sparging water total of 31.7 litres giving me a wort amount of 26 litres @ 1.038 OG before boil and 17 litres at 1.043 OG after boil

The Boil Section

As you can see from the above numbers I had 26 litres before boil and after a 90 minute boil I had 17 litres, I added

40g Challenger @ 90mins
20g East Kent Goldings @ 15 mins
20g East Kent Goldings @ Flameout
10g Bobek @ Flameout

How do I work out, without programs, what my hop loss and boil losses are.

If anyone could post the equations that would be even better so then I can work out all my efficiencies for future recipes


Rightly or wrongly my figures for pale malt are 300 degree points per kg per ltr.
For crystal malt I use 240 degree points per kg per ltr.

You had 3.22 kg of pale malt.
3.22 x 300 = 966 points.
0.17 kg of crystal malt.
0.17 x 240 = 40.8 points.
Total points = 1006.8

You finished with 17 ltrs so your SG should have been 1006.8 / 17 = 1.059.
Your SG was 1.043.
Your Brew House Efficiency in this case was 43 / 59 x 100 = 73%.

Not a figure to be ashamed of!
ericstd said:
Rightly or wrongly my figures for pale malt are 300 degree points per kg per ltr.
For crystal malt I use 240 degree points per kg per ltr.

You had 3.22 kg of pale malt.
3.22 x 300 = 966 points.
0.17 kg of crystal malt.
0.17 x 240 = 40.8 points.
Total points = 1006.8

You finished with 17 ltrs so your SG should have been 1006.8 / 17 = 1.059.
Your SG was 1.043.
Your Brew House Efficiency in this case was 43 / 59 x 100 = 73%.

Not a figure to be ashamed of!

I was interested in this & wonderd if you used any figures from other malts such as Black / Chocolate as well as any ajuncts such as sugars & other grains :thumb:
Brewmarc said:
I was interested in this & wonderd if you used any figures from other malts such as Black / Chocolate as well as any ajuncts such as sugars & other grains :thumb:
I tend to use the same figure for adjuncts and other malts as I do for pale malt, there is not a great deal of difference, unless you want accuracy for accuracy's sake.
For sugar I use 360 degree points per kg per ltr.
Thanks for the figures :thumb: Just did a quick calculation on my last brew based on these figures & came up with a brewhouse efficiancy of 77% :D I think I will do the same for my next couple of brews get my average efficiancy :wha: I know its only a guestimate but it will do for me.
(Sorry for interrupting...) Ta eric! I was just pondering over how to calculate my own efficiency. Seems like mine was around 53%, which is not something I'd brag about... Room for improvement there, but how?
I find a nice slow sparge helps with improving efficiency.

Don't get hung up chasing efficiency though, I know lots of brewers who target 65% efficiency, the reasoning behind this is it is thought (rightly or wrongly) that a better quality extract is obtained.

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