Hi there,
I'm still new to the home brewing game and just did my 4th batch.
I used the EDME German style lager kit that I got for xmas. I thought I would mix it up a bit as my first brew used this kit and wasn't great.
I ended up using a 20l brew, 850g light spraymalt and 300g granulated sugar. I bought some hops initially when I bought my kit and I made a hop tea for this brew. I used hallertau hersbrucker hops, I did 10g for 10 mins, 10g for 5 mins and 10g dry hopped.
Now this is the strange bit, I took a sample for my OG reading which came in at 1022. This seems very low considering my last 2 brews came out at 1038 and 1046 both with 1kg of fermentables and 20l and 19l brews.
Could this hop tea have changed the reading at all? Or could it have been that my sugars hadn't disolved fully?
The beer smells alright at this stage so I'll have to see how busy the air lock gets over the next 2 weeks. Just looking for some reassurance now!
Thanks, Mark.
I'm still new to the home brewing game and just did my 4th batch.
I used the EDME German style lager kit that I got for xmas. I thought I would mix it up a bit as my first brew used this kit and wasn't great.
I ended up using a 20l brew, 850g light spraymalt and 300g granulated sugar. I bought some hops initially when I bought my kit and I made a hop tea for this brew. I used hallertau hersbrucker hops, I did 10g for 10 mins, 10g for 5 mins and 10g dry hopped.
Now this is the strange bit, I took a sample for my OG reading which came in at 1022. This seems very low considering my last 2 brews came out at 1038 and 1046 both with 1kg of fermentables and 20l and 19l brews.
Could this hop tea have changed the reading at all? Or could it have been that my sugars hadn't disolved fully?
The beer smells alright at this stage so I'll have to see how busy the air lock gets over the next 2 weeks. Just looking for some reassurance now!
Thanks, Mark.