20g seems to be the sweet spot for me. Could probably go less but with the nature of these, it suits me to overcarb slightly.
That's a good point actually. Does anybody have any good tips on removal of bungs with a minimal amount of destruction? I should've bought a few spares because I don't really order from BrewUK and geterbrewed and hbc don't seem to stock them![]()
Wow. Brave. Only went 20g for a Pilsner
2. Thanks for the Hobgoblin reference but I was hoping to buy mini-kegs in France where the majority of the mini-kegs seem to come equipped like this ...
http://www.carrefour.fr/search/site/bier 5L/7
I don't know whether the tap is a part of the mini-keg or a reusable bit that you buy as a separate item If it comes as a separate item then I will probably go the "buy fill and re-use" route with at least three kegs.
So I just bought an easy keg of Speckled Henn and I'm a bit disappointed to be honest. The beer is almost flat. It this normal? I checked and it's in date. There was pressure on when i opened it but the pint in the glass is pretty flat now and it's not how i remember a Speckled Henn :-(
How many days between opening it and the last pint? Ideally you want to drink a tapped MK in about 3 days max if you want nicely carbed pints
That's the thing, it was the first pint! I'm a bit in a carbonation dilemma these days and thought I get this OSH MK to remind myself how a nicely carbed pint is like. So I started wondering if MK pints are generally flatter as in "not bubbling in the glas"?
With 20g of Sugar mine was pretty crazy out of the Easy Keg.
I used 23g for my Steam Beer (purely because I couldn't be arsed trying to tip 3G back off my spoon scale), I wonder how it'll be when I open it!
I reused two mini kegs for the first time last weekend. I purchased some reusable mini bungs, like this one: http://www.the-home-brew-shop.co.uk/acatalog/Mini-Keg-Bung.html
So in the shop bought kegs the bung has a little twisty release to allow air in and the beer to flow, which you can close back up. These reusable bungs have a plastic centre which you can poke out to make a hole. Is that the idea? When you are ready to drink it, poke the centre through, but then it floats in your beer and you can't seal it back up? I realise it will only last a few days once the air is in.
Cheers mate... Guess I'm going to have to get a Party Star now.. :whistle:The bung you've bought is really intended for mini kegs and a Party Star tap rather than an easy keg with integrated tap, so yeah once it's open you'll need to drink it quick!
You do get reusable vented bungs. Brew UK have them, and I'm assuming the likes of Leyland Homebrew probably do too: