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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
I saw a video earlier of a young lady doing the "field sobriety tests" why do american cops ask you to do this why dont they use a breathalyser as they do here in the UK instead of messing about at the side of the road.

If you read the comment from the video below the guy says "Always say no take the ride you're going to jail no matter what you do or say at this point" doing the test will give your lawyer nothing to stand on to help you.

You're a smart girl until you agreed to take their circus test that are designed to be manipulated for their narrative. Always say no take the ride you're going to jail no matter what you do or say at this point. That cop already has her suspicions. let her think what she wants to think, and allow your lawyer to do his job. Everything you say, and do from here on out will give them evidence to convict you, and will give your lawyer nothing to stand on to help you. Right or wrong three little tests ain't going to change his cop's mind she's already set that you're drunk driving and you're going to jail. The cop just wants to seal the deal by you incriminating yourself, and making her job a lot easier to prove you've been drinking.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has 3 standard field sobriety tests that they use to evaluate if someone is driving under the influence.
These tests are the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test, the Walk and Turn Test, and the One Leg Stand Test.

Why does it also take 4 police officers to arrest (or not) a suspected drink driver?

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I shudder to think that not so far into the past asking how long a trip would take in Australia the answers would be in how many stubbies it would take to drink on the route. A three-hour drive would be a six to eight stubbies.
Not heard anymore thank goodness except by some old bush cockies.
I saw a video earlier of a young lady doing the "field sobriety tests" why do american cops ask you to do this why dont they use a breathalyser as they do here in the UK instead of messing about at the side of the road.
If you read the comment from the video below the guy says "Always say no take the ride you're going to jail no matter what you do or say at this point" doing the test will give your lawyer nothing to stand on to help you.
Why does it also take 4 police officers to arrest (or not) a suspected drink driver?
A slow night?
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A slow night?

I dont know if you have watched any of the first amendment audit videos but you often see 4 or 5 cars with an officer in each coming to talk to a guy taking pictures its unbelievable some are proper tyrants.

You would be surprised how many american police officers dont know what they are talking about when it comes to private/public property and all they want to do is get the persons ID, unfortunately for therm this guy does and ties them up in knots, there are hundreds like this on YouTube.

The first cop asks what he is doing then asks for his ID he refuses to give it which is his right next thing another two cops show up and we go through it all again next thing we have 5 officers and they keep asking for his ID even tough he has broken no laws and therefore he doesn't need to give them his ID, they all do the walk of shame when the big boss turns up at the end and tells them he is not breaking the law, 5 officers need to be re-educated.

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Why do so many USA cops show up at one time?
Protection of each other. So many nut cases carry firearms. And that includes the cops.

I get that but when the report is a guy is taking pictures why do they need 4 police cars?
I get that but when the report is a guy is taking pictures why do you need 4 police cars?
The guy taking pictures could be packing a piece.
The report could have said just that, guy taking pictures. Who's to say he's not got an AK47 and a half in his back pocket?

I don't live there but from my visits and chats with law officers, that's their attitude now. It could kick off at any moment so don't risk their lives or the lives of their buddies. A completely different attitude to over here. For the time being...
( when did you last see a UK bobby on the beat solo? )
Sometimes when talking to USA folks, I felt I was from a different planet.
A don't get me started on Global warming; it doesn't exist.
I don't live there but from my visits and chats with law officers

This is the UK how many police does it take to talk to talk to one guy with a camera?

The big fella even threatened to arrest him then have him searched notice in the end he didn't when his juniors told him the guy was withing his rights to film.

The fact of the matter is the car was illegally parked blocking the pavement why didn't they just go inside and get it removed it was obvious the guy knew his rights and was going to bate them but they always take the bait "Have you got ID" you dont have to show ID if you haven't committed an offence they know it but they have to win, and they always fail.

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