It is basic math that whatever percentage of your attention is on your phone call, then that percentage is not on your driving. What percentage of your attention is needed to drive safely on a clear road, straight, low volume, etc.? Making calls only then could be considered safe but would also require judgement. But what call couldn't wait? Very, very few.
Before I continue, I'm fine with a law that says no cells while driving.
I did notice, over the years, that a drunk driver, a senior who shouldn't be behind the wheel and a cell phone user look pretty much the same if you're behind them, wondering, what is going on with that car?
People who break the law, by definition, aren't going to follow laws put in place because that's what they do: speed, swerve, cut in and out of traffic, tailgate and so on. They are well aware that they're doing something illegal and will do it anyway. So, making laws that reasonable people probably already don't do is not the answer.
Seat belt? All you should have to say to someone is your chances of surviving a crash or remaining in control of your vehicle is better if you wear one. Done. NO law needed.
Cell phone? You tell me my reaction time is slowed by 15% (made-up number)? Well, gee, I won't use one while driving.
Speeding? Obvious. Done.
Tailgating? No reaction time. Keep an appropriate distance. Done. No law necessary.
Swerving in and out of traffic? Obvious.
My point is that the laws are mainly for people who break them and who won't use common sense.