Drink beer if you're vegan

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Eat as much ecologically grown food as possible. Even better, grow your own. Wash fruit and vegetables with H2O2 to get rid of pesticides used during transport. They gas your food you know.
Fully agree with you TD, but why do we have to wash them in hydrogen peroxide? Is this to give them a blond rinse?

Eat sprouts every day. Easy to make and nice in salads.
As much as I love the mighty sprout, methane is a powerful greenhouse gas and try though I might, I can't hold the buggger in? Anybody got a recipe for sprout port, by the way?
Fully agree with you TD, but why do we have to wash them in hydrogen peroxide? Is this to give them a blond rinse?

When the veggies or fruits are loaded in the lorry for transport there are occasions where they throw in gas canisters to gas the insects so the fruit or vegetable is nice to look at when it arrives.

As much as I love the mighty sprout, methane is a powerful greenhouse gas and try though I might, I can't hold the buggger in? Anybody got a recipe for sprout port, by the way?

How about the beer farts?
I used to be vegetarian with vegan tendencies for 15 years. Now I eat dead animals every day and I am thankful for their sacrifice to give me sustenance.
My research and experiences if you want to avoid meat and fish:
  • Avoid any chemically produced supplements. Some of them can be very harmful.
  • Avoid soy. Almost all soy is GMO. Soy contains estrogen-like molecules wich can alter body chemistry in a negative way.
  • Avoid eating reheated fat and carbs, like fast food or precooked dinners from supermarkets etc.
  • Eat as much ecologically grown food as possible. Even better, grow your own. Wash fruit and vegetables with H2O2 to get rid of pesticides used during transport. They gas your food you know.
  • Eat fermented stuff and ferment your own. Very healthy (vitamin K) and it lasts longer.
  • Eat sprouts every day. Easy to make and nice in salads.
  • Avoid heating to much of your food cos it destroys nutrients.
Loads of that is crap, but I get your point.

I like these two quotes:

1. Eat Food, mostly Plants, not too much (Michael Pollan, in Defence of Food)
2. Eat foods your grandparents would recognise when they were kids.

luckily there's not an extra part

3. Don't turn foods into a toxin that you can drink.

I like not doing the last one, I like it almost as much when somebody already did it for me.
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I don't think many people realise that not cooking greens , beans, peppers tomatoes leaves them wide open for the toxin lectin which plants produce to protect themselves. Also spinach and the like do not release their iron content readily in the human digestive system. A cup of tea or coffee after a meal will block iron being released from a meal also. But if you want iron in your body most breakfast cereals are understating their iron content, therefore can cause an overload. Each to his own but balanced diets will work to improve health.
I can eat locally sourced food as an omnivore. A vegan or vegetarian can't. The energy, mainly from oil, needed to feed veggies is many fold greater. If the world became veggie we'd have to buy all the crops from poor countries and let them all starve, because that's the economic reality.
This is an interesting article about what diet is most sustainable, taking the needs of both humans and the environment into account: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-46865204

I'd also read somewhere that if's not possible for everyone to go vegan. It was something about how any particular location isn't able to produce a fully-balanced vegan diet and it can only rely on imports, which would have a greater impact on the environment than meat eating.

Anyway, cuddly cows and environment aside, eat what you like and like what you eat. Make your own choices for your own reasons as long as you don't force it on others.
I'd miss bacon too much. Only thing that is now stopping me from going vegetarian. I did try the vege stuff, but it wasn't right.
I only add non animal products to my beer and never fine it. Nowadays most breweries dont add isinglass. Even Guinness has stopped using it
About 9 in 10 of the casks I buy have isinglass in them, also Guinness is a keg beer and I don't think it's ever used in kegs as its filtered instead.
Guys, worry ye not. Turns out we are actually doing the cow a solid and saving its life (until we send it to the slaughter house).

Is that the same for all mammals then?
No, only for those bred by humans...
About 9 in 10 of the casks I buy have isinglass in them, also Guinness is a keg beer and I don't think it's ever used in kegs as its filtered instead.

Maybe I should stick to keg then. I don't really drink cask beer any more really anyway, as, as well as being vegan/vegetarian, since March I've also been following a low (no) sugar/low carbohydrate diet. So I usually choose pilsners if the pub has them (as they are quite low in carbs, all things considered)

Guinness was making a big fuss not so long ago about how they'd stopped (mostly) using isinglass

Maybe I should stick to keg then. I don't really drink cask beer any more really anyway, as, as well as being vegan/vegetarian, since March I've also been following a low (no) sugar/low carbohydrate diet. So I usually choose pilsners if the pub has them (as they are quite low in carbs, all things considered)

Guinness was making a big fuss not so long ago about how they'd stopped (mostly) using isinglass

I just checked and according to wikipedia keg beers do sometimes use isinglass. Cheers for promting me to check as I have been assuming keg bears are all vegan.
I am a meat eater but if I was going to switch I would not be bothered about things that are in food or drink where the animal was not killed for it to be there, should a veggie wear leather shoes or belt or drink beer that has a tiny amount of fish in it my vew is of course they should.

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