First brew of the year -
Source: Own recipe derived from Greg Hughes' Honey ale.
Date brewed: 5/1/21
Brew length: 4 gallons
GRAINS: 6Lb pale malt, 10oz biscuit malt, 7oz crystal225, 1oz chocolate malt.
BOIL: 20g homegrown Challenger (80m), 25g First gold (5m), protofloc (5m), 2 jars Tesco finest orange blossom honey (5)
YEAST: CML USA pale ale.
OG: 1048
Somewhat c*cked up my volumes so it actually came out at 4.5 gallons instead of 4. That's about 20L for all you none-imperials. So the OG was a bit lower than expected. Not really bothered though - it just means more beer to drink.
Previous incarnations have had Admiral as the 5m hop addition (BTW I only use leaf hops) but I thought that First gold would enhance the orangey flavours of the orange blossom honey.
Almost had a c*ck up as I forgot that with low hop beers I need to skim the hot break off the top of the wort as it comes up to boil otherwise it totally blocks up the filter when I transfer to the FV - which I do after leaving for half an hour after the switch off to allow it all to settle. Remembered just in time though so no harm done.
Meanwhile drinking this one that I brewed in the middle of December: 1823 Cobb & Co. Amber Small Beer, from the Durden Park booklet. Lovely stuff and totally unlike anything I've had in a pub. I'll be brewing it again soon so I'll give the recipe then.
Source: Own recipe derived from Greg Hughes' Honey ale.
Date brewed: 5/1/21
Brew length: 4 gallons
GRAINS: 6Lb pale malt, 10oz biscuit malt, 7oz crystal225, 1oz chocolate malt.
BOIL: 20g homegrown Challenger (80m), 25g First gold (5m), protofloc (5m), 2 jars Tesco finest orange blossom honey (5)
YEAST: CML USA pale ale.
OG: 1048
Somewhat c*cked up my volumes so it actually came out at 4.5 gallons instead of 4. That's about 20L for all you none-imperials. So the OG was a bit lower than expected. Not really bothered though - it just means more beer to drink.
Previous incarnations have had Admiral as the 5m hop addition (BTW I only use leaf hops) but I thought that First gold would enhance the orangey flavours of the orange blossom honey.
Almost had a c*ck up as I forgot that with low hop beers I need to skim the hot break off the top of the wort as it comes up to boil otherwise it totally blocks up the filter when I transfer to the FV - which I do after leaving for half an hour after the switch off to allow it all to settle. Remembered just in time though so no harm done.
Meanwhile drinking this one that I brewed in the middle of December: 1823 Cobb & Co. Amber Small Beer, from the Durden Park booklet. Lovely stuff and totally unlike anything I've had in a pub. I'll be brewing it again soon so I'll give the recipe then.